nintendo and etc created by mcnasty
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Superior version of post #575922

Hospital Needs - by McNasty

While she IS a fully qualified nurse, she's not allowed to practice medicine anymore, let alone be within 100 ft. of most hospital grounds. Why? Stalking and rape charges, mostly brought about by mild nymphomania. Doesn't stop her from sneaking in though. (To say she's crazy would be a small understatement.)

To All Hospital Staff: If you see this pokemon, report it to security IMMEDIATELY.

Despite the warning, she always manages to catch a new employee, or two, off guard. There are a few that don't mind her as much. When she's not accosting the hospital staff, she actually tends to patients as a normal nurse would. She has ways to make the pain go away.

(She does happen to have a lickatung tail, but it's always been overshadowed when I drew her, so I've decided to make it effing huge. I kinda like it. For all those were wondering, yes she is indeed female.)

Giant Tongue Version:

She's half lickatung after all. I ain't go no explanation for that one. And she STILL DOESN'T HAVE A NAME.

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