borderlands and etc created by trout (artist)
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  • Ugh, this is so disgusting! Really? A jacobs body with a tedior grip and a Malian barrel? The elemental boost doesn’t even effect Jakob guns, and the increased reload speed of a tedior grip doesn’t outway the benefits of a matching grip! Smh..

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  • soursylveon said:
    Ugh, this is so disgusting! Really? A jacobs body with a tedior grip and a Malian barrel? The elemental boost doesn’t even effect Jakob guns, and the increased reload speed of a tedior grip doesn’t outway the benefits of a matching grip! Smh..

    And anything about the sexy as fuck skag?

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  • soursylveon said:
    Ugh, this is so disgusting! Really? A jacobs body with a tedior grip and a Malian barrel? The elemental boost doesn’t even effect Jakob guns, and the increased reload speed of a tedior grip doesn’t outway the benefits of a matching grip! Smh..

    Joltz why are you on e6.

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