syandene created by ruaidri

Syandene the Archer

So, my favorite game of all time would probably have to be Final Fantasy Tactics. It's not the best game ever, once you learn the mechanics it's kind of broken as hell actually. But there's no part of it I don't like. The music is great, the asthetic is pleasing, the gameplay is fantastic. Everything about it tickles my happy places.

Anyway, I've been playing through that game again, as I tend to do once a year, and I have to say the female archers in the game have always caught my eye. Female archers in many games of this type tend to- I think it's something about the somewhat rugged, amazonian feeling they have. I can't really say for sure, but I like 'em.

Being the arty type I tend to want to draw things I like, but I'm not really a fan of fanart at all, and have no interest in human characters. I do, however, know a girl who's only too happy to dress up for my amusement! So here's Syandene, dressed in an outfit that's based fairly closely but not entirely off the female archers from FFT.

...admittedly, their skirts go down a bit farther in the game, but not by much! And hey, this is Sy we're talking about after all. I'm pretty sure she doesn't own a single pair of pants.

And wouldn't those loops on her leggings be so perfect for bondage? Just run some straps through them and pull 'em tight... anyway. xD

Tried some new stuff with the colouring. The background is crappy, you can ignore that, though Sy herself came out alright. I'm finding that the thing that brings out the grain in my paper the most is when I have to go over a single area repeatedly. Which is the main way I colour, heh. So for this picture I tried doing it all in one fell swoop- shading, texturing and highlights, all in one shot. It's a hell of a lot faster, and so much smoother, but a lot harder too! You've got to really think ahead to make it work.

I was sort of figuring it out as I go, so some places look better than others, but for a first attempt, I'm fairly pleased. What do you guys think? Lemme know your thoughts!

  • Comments
  • Oh hey there, well, considering you are an archer, I was wondering if perhaps you would like to check my arrow for me.

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  • TykeTheWonderHusky said:
    Oh hey there, well, considering you are an archer, I was wondering if perhaps you would like to check my arrow for me.

    Watch a pro at work.
    "Here there sexy, I've got an arrow you can notch."

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  • BowChickaBowWow said:
    Watch a pro at work.
    "Here there sexy, I've got an arrow you can notch."

    You win this time sir, but considering your name I would assume you are a stickler for bow jokes.

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