nintendo and etc created by mleonheart
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  • Moonlight-ga said:
    But what would happen, if for some reason we ignore, somebody unlocked 100% of the cerebral capacity?

    Well, according to the movie 'Lucy(2014)', we become the world and everything in it while time traveling.

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  • kirbydapinkpuff said:
    why the hecc is ur watch on upside down ma'am?

    That's actually the way people in the military wear a watch because it's easier to just look to the side while aiming a gun then to let go of the gun and turn your arm

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  • dagoomba said:
    Well, according to the movie 'Lucy(2014)', we become the world and everything in it while time traveling.

    That's such a lame take. Honestly all the gnostic ascension narratives from Hollywood are boring. If I ascend to some kind of megagodhood, I'm gonna fist fight Satan and get my face crumpled in like a real man. Screw nirvana, no becoming one with everything for me, I Just want the power to walk up a somewhat large hill without passing out. Give me peak performance and I'll show you what intricate banalities a man with true peace of mind can get up to. And also as much as possible I want to keep my thoughts out of other people's heads and vice versa, the idea of becoming the world is very disgusting to me.

    Edit: I'm not changing what I wrote, but apparently Lucy is a French film. The sentiment remains the same. People have such boring and destructive ideas of power.

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