willow wisp (twokinds) created by tom fischbach
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Willow Wisp

#2 September sketch, suggested by Winded Cat Productions!

  • Comments
  • Cyandog182 said:
    Why?! WHY?! Why can't we have edits of this stuff anymore?!

    From what I read it was due to too many complaints about "low quality" edits. Ironically that got Tom's own edits purged from the site as well.

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  • werewolfwill said:
    From what I read it was due to too many complaints about "low quality" edits. Ironically that got Tom's own edits purged from the site as well.

    And I was wondering where did it all go? It's sad that these posts with a lot of potencial won't ever be able to get an edit.

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  • KindaGayFox said:
    And I was wondering where did it all go? It's sad that these posts with a lot of potencial won't ever be able to get an edit.

    Well they still can get edits, just have to post them to a different media site

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  • KindaGayFox said:
    And I was wondering where did it all go? It's sad that these posts with a lot of potencial won't ever be able to get an edit.

    Fortunately you can find almost all of them archived here: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=twokinds+edit

    Just make sure to use an adblocker.

    Sadly, people are less inclined to make new edits now that they can no longer post them here, but hopefully they'll find a new place to give them an incentive. It's a pity that the mods here would rather put words in Tom's mouth than accept the place of edits in the Twokinds community, but we have to work with the cards that we have.

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  • Iago1 said:
    Fortunately you can find almost all of them archived here: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=twokinds+edit

    Just make sure to use an adblocker.

    Sadly, people are less inclined to make new edits now that they can no longer post them here, but hopefully they'll find a new place to give them an incentive. It's a pity that the mods here would rather put words in Tom's mouth than accept the place of edits in the Twokinds community, but we have to work with the cards that we have.

    I mentioned this on a previous Tom image. He's the rare example of an artist who explicitly gives permission for *any* of his art to be edited in *any* way and posted *anywhere* as long as it's not paywalled, and then they DNP them here. Given most artist jealously defend their art and will request DNP status in a heartbeat if they see someone editing their stuff, it's a real shame.

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  • Drakkenfyre said:
    I mentioned this on a previous Tom image. He's the rare example of an artist who explicitly gives permission for *any* of his art to be edited in *any* way and posted *anywhere* as long as it's not paywalled, and then they DNP them here. Given most artist jealously defend their art and will request DNP status in a heartbeat if they see someone editing their stuff, it's a real shame.

    Tom originally hated the idea that people edit his artwork to a porn perspective. he does kinky comics , but nothing more. he has a few close artist that he allows edits, but most of the time its paywall quality editing , and its on their page not his . honestly if i want to edit it i will edit it , im not the best though, i know cus i tried a edit, suprisingly it wasnt removed.

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  • doughnuts said:
    Tom originally hated the idea that people edit his artwork to a porn perspective. he does kinky comics , but nothing more. he has a few close artist that he allows edits, but most of the time its paywall quality editing , and its on their page not his . honestly if i want to edit it i will edit it , im not the best though, i know cus i tried a edit, suprisingly it wasnt removed.

    Tom has never "hated" lewd edits. In his FAQ page, he explicitly says anyone is free to edit his art in any way they like.

    Have you ever noticed how edit-friendly his suggestive pieces can be? Where all you need to do is a slight edit for it to be lewd? That's not coincidental. He does it on purpose, knowing people will do just that. That way he can say he's never released actual lewd art, but fans can make it a reality with the smallest edits.

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