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So to put the title in context, I've got a bit of a D&D story to tell, thanks to our DM UrsolMajor!

After our party, consisting of our kobold alchemist Rig, bat wizard Takaro, dragonflora druid Dechroma (yours truly!), kitsune rogue Eri (see here), large kobold swashbuckler Scout (Seen here), and our dragonborn bard Eli, arrived in town after a bit of a journey, they did the wisest party maneuver in the D&D playbook: They split up. Rig went off to the sewers, Dech, Eri, Eli, and Takaro went into an inn, and Scout went off to a potion shop. After some independent investigations into the disappearance of a mayor's daughter, we ultimately decide we need to regroup to figure out what to do/where to go next.

Now, while most of us are fairly easy to locate (some of us standing out a bit more than others,) nobody's seen Rig for a while, and... to be honest, nobody really wanted to dive into the sewers after him. Eri managed to pair off with Scout to go do some further investigation of the mayor's daughter, leaving Dech, Takaro, and Eli to go sewer diving. Well... really just Dech and Takaro, as our dragonborn bard was a bit too big a gal to fit down into the sewer (with Takaro and Dech, being small, easily accomplishing the task.

Downside? Being as small as they were... they were in short order swept off by a torrent of water, nearly drowned, and wound up slamming down atop a grate in a dark room of sorts. A moments investigation, and they discover they're not *alone* in said room. Instead, a large alligator seems to make this store-room/maintenance area home, and proceeds to take extreme umbrage (or relish the chance at an easy meal) at our arrival. Now, after a rather lucky series of rolls and one "oh thank god I had that spell prepared" event later... a temporarily enlarged Dechroma had managed to down the large alligator in a way that would *hopefully* keep it out of their hair for the long term. Thus their search for their alchemist buddy could resume!

And be finished a mere 30 seconds later when they found his pair of goggles, coated in alligator, ah, "slime," lying on the ground. Turns out that a solo alchemist kobold didn't stand much chance against a gator by himself, and had sadly perished mere moments before our arrival.
At least his party got revenge for him in a fitting way?

Art done by Yui-hii as part of her Patreon Rewards, which I much appreciate!

Dechroma himself is mine, with the alligator being, well, his.

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