kathrin vaughan, natani, and zen (twokinds) created by tom fischbach

"Growing Apart"

Sketch of the 1083rd page of TwoKinds.


Kathrin: (in Keidran) Hey! Guess who brought lunch? (It’s me!)

Zen: (in Keidran) Oh, Kat! You don’t have to do that. You should be down at the party with the others.

Kathrin: (in Keidran) I will, later, but I wanted to do this first.

Kathrin: (in Keidran) Natani and Keith left already?

Zen: (in Keidran) Yeah, but it’s fine. With a mental link, we’re never really apart. And… they’ve got their own stuff going on now.

Zen: (in Keidran) You know… it’s funny. This isn’t exactly how I pictured our reunion. I thought things would kind of just… go back to the way they were. The Assassin Brothers, together again!

Zen: (in Keidran) But seeing them together, it’s started dawning on me that… Natani’s been building a new life. And I’m… not really part of it anymore.

Kathrin: (in Keidran) Don’t say that. Things are going to change, it’s a part of life… But you’ll always be family.

Kathrin: (in Keidran) Keith’s just… a part of your pack now too!

Zen: (in Keidran) Our pack, huh? Hm… Never thought I’d have one of those. Never in a million years thought it’d be Natani to start one before me.

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  • Comments
  • Just realised, it must be weird for Kat and the others to be so well-known by Natani or Zen, despite never having met before

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