ace taylor and sobek harken (blinkblinkblink) created by twinkle-sez
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Indulging his bull's kink - [By Twinkle-Sez]

Some of you are probably thinking what is going on here? Well to learn about the present, we must first learn of the past.

When Sobek was 14 years old (more than a year after he realized that he was Homosexual), he found something interesting whilst wondering around his family's mansion in Washington D.C. A male magazine; probably from one of the mansion's staff. The magazine's theme was studly stallion's in skimpy cowboy clothes. The magazine really aroused the young Sobek, and he was particularly interested in the pages that showed them presenting their behinds or stripping to their undies. It was then that Sobek discovered his main fetish: Stallions and Cowboy-themed clothes.

Now to those who haven't read Sobek's bio (which is probably most of you), Sobek went to live in Texas after the tragic deaths of his parents. Half the reason was because he hated the cold, and the warmer climate of Texas agreed with him more. And the other reason was because he was hoping to find his dream stallion. And to indulge in kinks. Before the incident that turned Sob into what he is now, he would often go to western-themed stripclubs.

It took him a long while, but he eventually had his wish come true in the form of Ace, his adjutant.

So now we come back to the present. Ace knows about Sobek's kink, which the later has kept secret to everyone but Ace, and so every once in a while he dresses up in a skimpy cowboy outfit just to get Sob aroused (and because he's that mischievous). Sobek usually gets annoyed of Ace doing this (aroused, yes, but mostly annoyed).


Art done by the amazing Twinkle-Sez (Thank you so much!)

Version 2 here:

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