mythology created by taran fiddler
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  • Comments
  • Stavinair_Azurewing said:
    I-Im sorry. I have to download this. This struck a part of my otherkin spirituality. It's beautiful. Very beautiful.

    You have no idea!
    I can't begin to describe how much I love this!

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  • Stavinair_Azurewing said:
    To whoever downvoted my comment; I'm not sure which part of it offends you. The otherkin part, or the spirituality part? Not cool bro. Not cool.

    Sometimes the best thing to do, is just to ignore it.

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  • stavinair_caeruleum said:
    To whoever downvoted my comment; I'm not sure which part of it offends you. The otherkin part, or the spirituality part? Not cool bro. Not cool.

    It's probably because of you writing the "sorry" part and writing the stutter that makes it feel a little cringe worthy. I don't mind it but felt similar. Guess somebody decided it was too cringe and down-voted you.

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