nintendo and etc created by acky05 and third-party edit
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  • This translation skips over the 「軽く触れるだけなら…」 line and adds one that wasn't even there in the original text.

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  • Lafcadio said:
    This translation skips over the 「軽く触れるだけなら…」 line and adds one that wasn't even there in the original text.

    Not sure why it was translated this way (taking your word for it, since I can't read it myself), but the artist retweeted this post and thanked the translator. I don't know how well they speak/read English, but they seemed satisfied with it.

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  • CosmicMewtwo said:
    Not sure why it was translated this way (taking your word for it, since I can't read it myself), but the artist retweeted this post and thanked the translator. I don't know how well they speak/read English, but they seemed satisfied with it.

    It's very much a mistranslation, but without some kind of proof that the artist themselves can read English, I wouldn't take their approval as affirmation that this translation is correct.

    軽く触れる is "to be touched lightly", だけ is something like the English "only"/"just", and なら is used to set a condition for the following text. Thus, "If they are only touched lightly". This phrasing is nowhere to be found in this upload, and has instead been replaced with "Well, only for a little...". This is incorrect because "for a little" suggests a temporal limitation on how much one is allowed to touch.
    That translation more closely matches the third line in the Japanese version, which is チョットだけですからね. チョット here is "a little bit", だけ is, again, "only"/"just", and ですからね is the copula. On its own, チョット is perfectly fine to interpret as a command to wait, since Japanese tends to allow implicit context far more than English does. However, context for that word is already provided by the rest of the line, which shows that the text should instead be "then only for a little bit". We can link this to the second line since it trails off with the hypothetical なら, and interpret the combined phrases as "If they are touched only lightly, then only for a little bit."
    However, the editor behind this image has chosen to interpret チョット as a command and ignore the entire rest of the sentence, inserting an entirely new line that is nowhere present in the original image.

    hard_translations are discouraged from being uploaded for this very reason: mistranslations are a lot harder to correct when you can't just place a note over the original Japanese text.

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  • Lafcadio said:
    It's very much a mistranslation, but without some kind of proof that the artist themselves can read English, I wouldn't take their approval as affirmation that this translation is correct.

    軽く触れる is "to be touched lightly", だけ is something like the English "only"/"just", and なら is used to set a condition for the following text. Thus, "If they are only touched lightly". This phrasing is nowhere to be found in this upload, and has instead been replaced with "Well, only for a little...". This is incorrect because "for a little" suggests a temporal limitation on how much one is allowed to touch.
    That translation more closely matches the third line in the Japanese version, which is チョットだけですからね. チョット here is "a little bit", だけ is, again, "only"/"just", and ですからね is the copula. On its own, チョット is perfectly fine to interpret as a command to wait, since Japanese tends to allow implicit context far more than English does. However, context for that word is already provided by the rest of the line, which shows that the text should instead be "then only for a little bit". We can link this to the second line since it trails off with the hypothetical なら, and interpret the combined phrases as "If they are touched only lightly, then only for a little bit."
    However, the editor behind this image has chosen to interpret チョット as a command and ignore the entire rest of the sentence, inserting an entirely new line that is nowhere present in the original image.

    hard_translations are discouraged from being uploaded for this very reason: mistranslations are a lot harder to correct when you can't just place a note over the original Japanese text.

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