azzilan (silver soul (comic) and etc) created by matemi
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  • I cant believe that someone took the time to make the tag (hello darkness my old friend) and made this it's first use...

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  • Well I mean, everyone wanted character development and less sex, this is what happens when you stray from the path of porn and into story....granted....still with some porn but more sad bits in between. (Is there a specific name for a story like that or is it just still porn, or like...a pornagraphic tragedy....)

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  • I know how you feel dude I know how you feel all too well, it never gets easier but it never should. If it ever does than you know something's wrong with you. Just think of the happy times and cherish those. Protect those memories and continue. It's all you can do to heal. It's what your loved ones would want you to do in the 1st place when they're gone. Celebrate their life in the way they would want you to do so or in the way they think you would do so yourself and think that it might bring a smile to their face wherever they are now.

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  • Shadow_Scythe said:
    Well I mean, everyone wanted character development and less sex, this is what happens when you stray from the path of porn and into story....granted....still with some porn but more sad bits in between. (Is there a specific name for a story like that or is it just still porn, or like...a pornagraphic tragedy....)

    hornagraphic tragedy

    alternatively, "romantic" tragedy

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  • I've come to talk with you again
    Because a vision silently creeping
    Left it seems while I was sleeping
    And the Vision that was planted in my brain
    Still remains
    Within the sound
    Of Silence

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  • This all i had in my mind when i heard what happen.

    You will,
    Never know,
    How far,
    This goes.

    You'll find,
    Middle ground,
    Go round.

    The feels >.<

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  • Darkie29 said:
    I cant believe that someone took the time to make the tag (hello darkness my old friend) and made this it's first use...

    I wish I could laugh right now but I can't

    Sylvia777 said:
    good one but not a perfect time

    When is a perfect time to be honest?

    EclipsedMysticism said:
    Lol this comment is SO out of place compared to everyone elses lmao

    MattXroes said:
    Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit drinking

    bolt2395 said:
    Now i just feel sad

    I don't get why everyone's so depressed, *Stands on a table with medieval accent & music* we should be celebrating that Mimi was so generous enough to let Azzi have the fate to meat his former trainer's seeds!

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  • 0-Mally_Ino~Sin said:
    I wish I could laugh right now but I can't
    When is a perfect time to be honest?
    I don't get why everyone's so depressed, *Stands on a table with medieval accent & music* we should be celebrating that Mimi was so generous enough to let Azzi have the fate to meat his former trainer's seeds!

    Yeah, his former Trainer would want him to be happy.

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  • darkie29 said:
    I cant believe that someone took the time to make the tag (hello darkness my old friend) and made this it's first use...

    I am keeping this in mind for future posts of sad feels

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