funn the gardevoir and wombpost (christmas and etc) created by kandlin
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“Is it Karma”- Funn wondered- “Is this punishment for all the pokemon I’ve fucked over?”

Lying on her massive stomach, Funn replayed the events that led her to this moment in her mind, how she had pushed everyone away, leaving her at the mercy of a disgusting monster whos idea of “Turnabout is fair play” made death seem like mercy.

Unfortunately for Funn, Karma really was a bitch, as the one brief joy she had found in her captivity, her brief minutes of rest had ended up the same as every other hope/dream she had since being kidnaped: Buried in the garbage.
For you see, about a week ago, after his nap the Garbollade came to a realization, it did not matter how his cum got into his toy, as long as he got to use it as much as possible.
So Funn found herself forced into a new routine, wake up, have rough ground shaking vaginal sex, catch her breath, then finally blow her son throughout the rest of the day.
On her stomach for nearly the entire day, as the Garbollade only ever stopped shooting his thick, hot, brown, goop-like chunky garbage semen into Funn to stretch his legs or to use the restroom.
Morning, noon, & night the Garbollade pumped his rancid cum into Funn, filling her body to its limits.
Well, all that cum he pumped into her had to go somewhere & since Funn was already pregnant it went straight to her DNA.

Flashing forward to the present, all that cum had done even more of a number on Funn’s damaged body.
For starters, Funn had put on even more weight, going from the size of a battle-ready Emobar male to that of a retired Emboar brood-mother, the fat that coated her small frame began to smooth out her curves, giving her body a more rounded less defined shape as folds of fat covered any joints or bony protrusions she had on her body.
Second Funn’s ruined, dark green pussy had evolved even further, Jutting out past her outer lips even more than before, it no longer folded in upon itself, instead, it stood straight up & out like a thick rubbery wall, covered in thick greasy brown mucus like juice & spewed a rancid compost smelling cloud of vapor like a polluting factory, it became a permanently open hole designed to.
A.) Allow semen to just be poured directly into Funn’s womb, no longer having to rely on several attempts at intercourse to insure insemination, sure a Mon could fuck her if they wanted to but now they can jack it into a cup pour it into her & collect their egg’s in about a week.
B.) Expedite the pregnancy/birthing process, now growing eggs in a weeks time Funn could now birth whole litters in a matter of minutes regardless of size/type (Excluding the eggs already inside her) her thick brown pussy juice creating a natural greasy lubricant to slide out eggs with as little hassle as possible.
Third & most drastic of all Funn’s Skin had changed completely, turning a sickly shade of green her entire body had become rubbery, sticky & constantly moist with a rancid compost like-smell pouring out of every orifice, her tears & saliva had turned dark green & tasted like the pussy juice her son had forced her to drink.

Now even more of a monster, Funn cried as her son forced her to suck his dick for the 4th time that day, reinvigorated by the rancid slop he had consumed from her breasts, a pair of reindeer antlers stretched across her ass to celebrate the holiday season.
After about 10 minutes of pushing Funn’s head back & forth, The Garbollade poured another hot, fresh load down his mother’s throat as she half-heartedly struggled to stop him.
As his load flowed out of him & into his mother, The Garbollade looked across the grassy floor to his three incest children who played in the grass.
Hatching only 3 days ago the three were already up & active even faster than the Grbollade was, two boys & a girl they had the shape of Ralts but with even more Trubbish like features than their father at that age.
As they played The Garbollade excitedly thought about the day he would teach them to breed their mother, just as his father taught him.

  • Comments
  • Rain321q said:
    do you want it to?

    To be honest, she was more fun when she was still a gardevoir. But this is your show, so you do you.

    Nevertheless, if someone's gonna live their life scamming others without remorse, they deserve every disgusting thing that comes to them. I'm just glad it's not me who's elected to punish her.

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  • DarkBlue666 said:
    To be honest, she was more fun when she was still a gardevoir. But this is your show, so you do you.

    Nevertheless, if someone's gonna live their life scamming others without remorse, they deserve every disgusting thing that comes to them. I'm just glad it's not me who's elected to punish her.

    Truthfully I was way too stoned when i started this, than I thought it was funny so i kept going, so now I'm just pushing to the finish so i can move on to different projects, I like this but it has ran to long

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  • Rain321q said:
    Truthfully I was way too stoned when i started this, than I thought it was funny so i kept going, so now I'm just pushing to the finish so i can move on to different projects, I like this but it has ran to long

    Well, I can't say I haven't written stupid stuff when I'm drunk. Fun, but stupid...
    Oh well, here's hoping your future stuff isn't all trashed. XD

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  • DarkBlue666 said:
    Well, I can't say I haven't written stupid stuff when I'm drunk. Fun, but stupid...
    Oh well, here's hoping your future stuff isn't all trashed. XD

    Oh it will be for that's the part I like gross ruined bodies

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