created by ruaidri

Newguy12354 Commission

In this one, I was basically given a bunch of themes, and told to make a character out of one of them. For example, some of the themes I was given were "Illusion", "Rainbow", "Heaven", "Creation", etc. I was reading down the list trying to come across ideas when I stumbled across one of the themes- "Storm".

Coincidentally, I recently stumbled across a musician named Tim Minchin, and one of the things he does is a beat poem by the name of "Storm". In the poem he speaks of a hippie girl who's into natural remedies and spirituality and such. It's very much anti-religion and new-age and such, so if you're into that, feel free to check it out.

Here's a link if you want!

While the character in the poem is a bit of a nuisance, the idea still grabbed me to make a character based on the description of her appearance. Fair skin, dark hair, a few tattoos. I made up the rest. I decided to go with a deer, because when I think an animal that represents nature, that's the one that comes to mind. I made her an albino to match the pale skin the character supposedly has, and gave her purple hair like in the animation that goes with the poem. From there I just sorta had fun with it, giving her some sheer fabric and beads and such.

I quite like the result- assuming this character isn't as irritating as the one in the story, I'd quite like to have some fun with her myself. :P

Well, anyway. Lemme know your thoughts, folks!

  • Comments
  • I like this person's style.
    Cute, non oversized breasts, fairly correct anatomy, soft colors...

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