berkut (mythology) created by sonsasu
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  • fluffyfoxxo said:
    Ya know, there are other types of gryphon hybrids.

    This one has a feline's bottom though. (Oh well, people like Sonsasu and Hioshiru screw up almost all the time on stuff like this anyways)


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  • nine_tailed_fury said:
    This one has a feline's bottom though.

    So? If they want their fursona to have a knot, then more power to them.
    If it really bothers you that much, them just blacklist gryphon and knot.

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  • fluffyfoxxo said:
    So? If they want their fursona to have a knot, then more power to them.
    If it really bothers you that much, them just blacklist gryphon and knot.

    I'll just hide somewhere and not say anything. I'm already in risk of getting out.

    Wait a minute, I remember you! You made comments in some of Reign's images.


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