aiden laninga, dominic armois, fan character, freya howell, and kaz mercais (pokemon mystery dungeon and etc) created by 007delta and gingy k fox
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  • Comments
  • Wowowwwww, you can't just walk away from that, how do you think that marshstomp feels? ;-;

    What he should have done was taken the marsh to a private place away from Dom and explain his current situation.

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  • "I guess one of them wasn't as girl as he looked".

    We've seen Aiden act weird around any girly looking guy so far. Lyre, Dominick when pulling out his bandana, and now this Marshstomp. It appears this mysterious "female" Zangoose may just possibly be a very effeminate looking male who was an ex of his, and Aiden is reminded of them each and every time he sees one, possibly because he's still attached to them.

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  • so. .. a previous lover? or friend? ... i think it might be a friend Aiden had... first gay fling maybe...and something bad happened so it put the image of said pokemon in his mind when ever he does something so like the memory is haunting him , at least that's what it looks like

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  • xxfurryfunxx said:
    I wonder what part of his 'trauma' the Zangoose plays... Hmmm

    What's with the air quotes in this? Getting blown by somebody you thought was female who turns out to be a male would be horrifying for any straight person.

    It'd be hella traumatic, poor Aiden to be honest. (I'm aware it's a minor thing but it's still gonna mess with his head. To him, it's not minor. He's questioning his sexuality at the least.)

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  • Voldare said:
    What's with the air quotes in this? Getting blown by somebody you thought was female who turns out to be a male would be horrifying for any straight person.

    While I too don't get the use of quote marks (the trauma is apparently quite real for him), it's worth noting that Aiden isn't straight. He's openly not. So yes, getting blown by a guy you thought was a girl would be a shock, and some trauma from his past is obviously causing him distress over it, but it's not because he thought he was straight and is now questioning his sexuality.

    What I'd actually be interested in knowing is if the vaporeon was also male, since the two seemed to be in cahoots. Unlike Aiden, Dominic has said he's straight. That could've caused some issues too, if it was revealed to be the case.

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  • It really bothers me how little people understand how others think, had to login to my acc for the first time in forever just to comment this.
    Ive been seeing this with not just Aiden here, but with Lyre about everyone pitying him etc. But back to Aiden, understand that nobody is in the wrong nor right in this situation, Aiden has been closetted for a while now, heavily insecure on his sexuality. Of course he'd be taken aback on the current situation with the male marshstomp, yea he reacted suddenly, leaving everyone to pity the marshstomp, but understand that this was basically a huge mind fuck for Aiden. A traumatizing moment he'll never forget.

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  • I am... extremely confused here, feel free to help me out.

    (Also for the slower folks in the back, I got nothing agaisnt homosexuality. heck, take a gander at my favorites if you dare.)

    Is Aiden a known Bi/gay(?) character. Not if he is or isn't but like, how aware are other people about it. Cause these comments are telling me 2 different stories here.
    Going off the Ask Wonderlust pages which are supposed to be cannon. He's been seen in submissive/girly lingerie before. And going off the comic itself he literally fingered Lyre in-front of other members.
    If we're going the closet gay/bi route here, I think we're pretty well out the closet from the actions mentioned above.
    So is Dom like the only person that makes him unsure about his what is normally pretty sure sexuality?

    Idk, I've read this whole comic to this point and I feel like I must'a missed something somewhere.

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  • Thatguy75 said:
    I am... extremely confused here, feel free to help me out.

    (Also for the slower folks in the back, I got nothing agaisnt homosexuality. heck, take a gander at my favorites if you dare.)

    Is Aiden a known Bi/gay(?) character. Not if he is or isn't but like, how aware are other people about it. Cause these comments are telling me 2 different stories here.
    Going off the Ask Wonderlust pages which are supposed to be cannon. He's been seen in submissive/girly lingerie before. And going off the comic itself he literally fingered Lyre in-front of other members.
    If we're going the closet gay/bi route here, I think we're pretty well out the closet from the actions mentioned above.
    So is Dom like the only person that makes him unsure about his what is normally pretty sure sexuality?

    Idk, I've read this whole comic to this point and I feel like I must'a missed something somewhere.

    None of the above, that gay marshtomp dick reminded Aiden that he forgot to delete his browsing history before letting grandma use his computer

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  • Tertew said:
    It really bothers me how little people understand how others think, had to login to my acc for the first time in forever just to comment this.
    Ive been seeing this with not just Aiden here, but with Lyre about everyone pitying him etc. But back to Aiden, understand that nobody is in the wrong nor right in this situation, Aiden has been closetted for a while now, heavily insecure on his sexuality. Of course he'd be taken aback on the current situation with the male marshstomp, yea he reacted suddenly, leaving everyone to pity the marshstomp, but understand that this was basically a huge mind fuck for Aiden. A traumatizing moment he'll never forget.

    There's hardly anything to suggest that he's in denial or insecure about his sexuality. We've seen the way he acts alone and none of it is the type of behaviour an insecure person or person in denial would have. Besides, he's not traumatized by this event. He's reminded of the zangoose whenever he sees guys that look girly (Lyre, Dominic, and the Marshstomp) which suggests that the zangoose is an ex of his (by the way they're speaking to him in the flashback) who is likely to be a girly looking male.

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  • Binagon said:
    None of the above, that gay marshtomp dick reminded Aiden that he forgot to delete his browsing history before letting grandma use his computer

    None of that either. He just realised that he's merely a character within an internet porn comic, that his life itself is a lie and that he has obtained knowledge unknown to the others.

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  • Thatguy75 said:
    I am... extremely confused here, feel free to help me out.

    (Also for the slower folks in the back, I got nothing agaisnt homosexuality. heck, take a gander at my favorites if you dare.)

    Is Aiden a known Bi/gay(?) character. Not if he is or isn't but like, how aware are other people about it. Cause these comments are telling me 2 different stories here.
    Going off the Ask Wonderlust pages which are supposed to be cannon. He's been seen in submissive/girly lingerie before. And going off the comic itself he literally fingered Lyre in-front of other members.
    If we're going the closet gay/bi route here, I think we're pretty well out the closet from the actions mentioned above.
    So is Dom like the only person that makes him unsure about his what is normally pretty sure sexuality?

    Idk, I've read this whole comic to this point and I feel like I must'a missed something somewhere.

    Dominic and Aiden seem to be best buds and go on missions a lot together. He told Dominic that he wasn't gay for some reason (presumably because he's interested in him but is reminded of this Zangoose when he looks at him, so he doesn't want to do anything with Dominic because he reminds him too much of the Zangoose), but the reason he acts strange around him is because of that one ask with Dominic taking out his headband (Asks aren't in chronological order, so that one may be very early on with them being friends). It made Dominic look very girly and Aiden saw this happening and got flustered. Given how he also got flustered with Lyre and this Marshstomp, and had a flashback of a female looking Zangoose after seeing the Marshstomp he thought was a girl actually be a male, it's highly likely that any guy that looks significantly girly reminds him of this Zangoose which very well may be a male.

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  • dolphinpainus said:
    Dominic and Aiden seem to be best buds and go on missions a lot together. He told Dominic that he wasn't gay for some reason (presumably because he's interested in him but is reminded of this Zangoose when he looks at him, so he doesn't want to do anything with Dominic because he reminds him too much of the Zangoose), but the reason he acts strange around him is because of that one ask with Dominic taking out his headband (Asks aren't in chronological order, so that one may be very early on with them being friends). It made Dominic look very girly and Aiden saw this happening and got flustered. Given how he also got flustered with Lyre and this Marshstomp, and had a flashback of a female looking Zangoose after seeing the Marshstomp he thought was a girl actually be a male, it's highly likely that any guy that looks significantly girly reminds him of this Zangoose which very well may be a male.

    people keep mentioning the zangoose... but has anyone stopped to think that maybe just maybe the friend was "female" in his eyes dude to body appearance and voice tone...then when it got very intimate like it did in the previous page...he was poked by said zangoose Erect Dong? and Aiden kinda freaked out that his best buddy was well male and not in fact female, Q&A aside yea they point to him being Bi , so maybe just maybe it's something he wants to try out... when in the heat of the moment the memory returns and haunts the living crap out of him ,.... i mean i doubt Wanderlust will throw us a holy shit curve ball like , the zangoose was a trap that got killed in a horrible accident, which limits the reasons of what's shocking/holding adien back

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  • dolphinpainus said:
    There's hardly anything to suggest that he's in denial or insecure about his sexuality. We've seen the way he acts alone and none of it is the type of behaviour an insecure person or person in denial would have. (...)

    This is why I'm so thrown off right now. When was this kinda stuff established? One day he's wearing thigh highs fantasising about being a cocksleeve
    The next, he's super disturbed and unnerved about having sex with a dude, THE SAME DAY he was fingers deep in Lyre.

    Like I /think/ I see what they're trying to do here but it just seems like the writing here jumped the gun a little.

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  • Thatguy75 said:
    This is why I'm so thrown off right now. When was this kinda stuff established? One day he's wearing thigh highs fantasising about being a cocksleeve
    The next, he's super disturbed and unnerved about having sex with a dude, THE SAME DAY he was fingers deep in Lyre.

    Like I /think/ I see what they're trying to do here but it just seems like the writing here jumped the gun a little.

    Did they switch writers and completely forget all the important notes form the previous one?

    Also, why are so many people pitying the Marshtomp? Didn't he trick Aiden into receiving oral sex under the guise he was a female? Maybe not intentional, but he still deceived him nonetheless.

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  • I think it's less males and specifically effeminate males.

    Something about the shift in expectation upsets him.

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  • AlexanderMugetsu said:
    Did they switch writers and completely forget all the important notes form the previous one?

    Also, why are so many people pitying the Marshtomp? Didn't he trick Aiden into receiving oral sex under the guise he was a female? Maybe not intentional, but he still deceived him nonetheless.

    We don't really know what they said. For all we know the Marshtomp simply said "Hey wanna fuck?" And Aiden's down for it.

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  • Tertew said:
    It really bothers me how little people understand how others think, had to login to my acc for the first time in forever just to comment this.
    Ive been seeing this with not just Aiden here, but with Lyre about everyone pitying him etc. But back to Aiden, understand that nobody is in the wrong nor right in this situation, Aiden has been closetted for a while now, heavily insecure on his sexuality. Of course he'd be taken aback on the current situation with the male marshstomp, yea he reacted suddenly, leaving everyone to pity the marshstomp, but understand that this was basically a huge mind fuck for Aiden. A traumatizing moment he'll never forget.

    It was wrong to assume the Marshstomp was female, that's naivity at best, especially if him being a male is a dealbreaker which it obviously was. The Marshstomp is the bigger victim here, the victim of naive assumptions.

    Bottom line, if it was that important he should have asked the Marshstomp what they were hiding in that sneaky cloaca~ <3

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  • Otters_In_Guitars said:
    It was wrong to assume the Marshstomp was female, that's naivity at best, especially if him being a male is a dealbreaker which it obviously was. The Marshstomp is the bigger victim here, the victim of naive assumptions.

    Bottom line, if it was that important he should have asked the Marshstomp what they were hiding in that sneaky cloaca~ <3

    It was also wrong for the Marshtomp to make Aiden think he was female. It is doubtful he doesn't know he looks female.

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  • AlexanderMugetsu said:
    It was also wrong for the Marshtomp to make Aiden think he was female. It is doubtful he doesn't know he looks female.

    He has a right to look feminine if he wants without having to declare it to everybody. That's just shaming his lifestyle

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  • Otters_In_Guitars said:
    He has a right to look feminine if he wants without having to declare it to everybody. That's just shaming his lifestyle

    Fine and dandy but if he's goign to present himself as feminine he should have the common curtisy to let the other now his sex before he engages in sexual activity.

    He can look what he wants to, but that's not an excuse to make others think they're having sex with a female when he isn't one.

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  • AlexanderMugetsu said:
    Fine and dandy but if he's goign to present himself as feminine he should have the common curtisy to let the other now his sex before he engages in sexual activity.

    He can look what he wants to, but that's not an excuse to make others think they're having sex with a female when he isn't one.

    So only he has the responsibility to disclaim what he is? The guy being sucked off in this case has no responsibility at all? I don't agree with that. Either they're both responsible for it, or he who accepts the proposal to have his dick sucked should be the one to make sure it is within his own comfort zone.

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  • Otters_In_Guitars said:
    So only he has the responsibility to disclaim what he is? The guy being sucked off in this case has no responsibility at all? I don't agree with that. Either they're both responsible for it, or he who accepts the proposal to have his dick sucked should be the one to make sure it is within his own comfort zone.

    I didn't state Aiden had no responsibilities for it, I'm just saying the marshtomp shouldn't be seen as the victim here.

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  • Tertew said:
    It really bothers me how little people understand how others think, had to login to my acc for the first time in forever just to comment this.
    Ive been seeing this with not just Aiden here, but with Lyre about everyone pitying him etc. But back to Aiden, understand that nobody is in the wrong nor right in this situation, Aiden has been closetted for a while now, heavily insecure on his sexuality. Of course he'd be taken aback on the current situation with the male marshstomp, yea he reacted suddenly, leaving everyone to pity the marshstomp, but understand that this was basically a huge mind fuck for Aiden. A traumatizing moment he'll never forget.

    His guild is probably the most sexually open place in thousands of miles, if he is going to come out he will be safe with them. But after reading your comment I can understand why he is not too eager with lyre.

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  • I decided to log in just to see if i could unscramble this spaghetti of lore. It seems that to most people, the Ask Wanderlust pool and this is comic tell 2 different tales. Before i try to explain my theory for why this isn't the case, let's take a look at what this series has presented us with.

    In the comic we've seen Aiden attempting to tell Lyre that he was bi but since he didn't finish talking, we don't know what complications he was going to mention if there were any. Either something happened that made him deny being gay or he's strictly a sub.
    Then we have this moment here. This Zangoose in Aiden's past traumatized him to the point where he doesn't want to have sex with effeminate males since it reminds him of that zangoose. Also the zangoose looks a lot like Dominic and this makes it hard for Aiden to talk to Dom sometimes since the Ask pool has shown that Aiden has a crush on him.

    Speaking of, the Ask pool is the main reason many people are confused. Not only are these questions out of order, but they show multiple scenes and characteristics that, for most people, contradict the plot of this comic. There are moments of Aiden crossdressing, wanting Dominic to fuck him, denying he's gay while clearly taking some sex toys with him on a mission to help a male Pokémon, and being shy about his crush for Dom as he proceeds to remove his headband and wash his beautiful hair. All of these scenes throw the story into nonsense land when trying to connect them to plot of the comic, especially since they are out of order.

    The only way any of this can make sense is like this:
    Aiden got traumatized by the zangoose to the point where doesn't want to have sex with effeminate males but is still ok with to being fucked by dominate non-effeminate males. This is backed up by that fact that he crossdresses, acts girly and talks as if he's willing to suck another guy's dick. This is also exlplains why Aiden refused to finger Lyre even though Lyre insisted.
    At some point Aiden met Dominic and became friends with him and develops a crush on him but doesn't want to act on it. Aiden denies being gay not only so it doesn't hurt their friendship in anyway but also because Dominic looks a lot like the Zangoose that Traumatized Aiden. This also makes the crush he has on Dom very conflicting which is why Aiden acts wierd around him. Despite this Aiden still imagines having sex with Dom because even though Dom's looks reminds Aiden of the girly Zangoose, he doesn't act girly. This is why Aiden imagines him being fucked by Dom instead of the other way around. It's as if he's just having sex with a random manly Pokémon.

    TL;DR? I don't blame you. The lore in this comic is so confusing it makes me wonder if the writers are taking notes from Kingdom Hearts which is terribly confusing in it's own right.


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  • riverdog_deyna said:
    LOL He's still fucking her.

    you literally know nothing about canine biology, he can't even pull out, he's knotted her, it's to ensure impregnation with canine's, so another male doesn't claim a female with possibly more potent seed

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  • lucariolover1997 said:
    you literally know nothing about canine biology, he can't even pull out, he's knotted her, it's to ensure impregnation with canine's, so another male doesn't claim a female with possibly more potent seed

    Literally that was three years ago, I know that now, and I've known it for a long time. So like, buzz off.

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  • man if this trauma or issue with aiden ever gets resolved i hope he goes back to that marshtomp and finish the little fun they were having, or at least i wanna see that marshtomp again, feel so bad about him not getting to finish with aiden and stuff.

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