rainbow dash (friendship is magic and etc) created by blackgryph0n
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  • Take a minute to consider what a skull would have to look like to house eyes of that size. Given the overall size of the visible parts of the eyes, saying each eye would be roughly the size of her head isn't a far stretch. So to say she has two in there would be a joke. Reasonable guess would then be she only has one large eye with two pupils. There would have to be some sort of accordion type of membrane beneath the bridge if her nose allowing free independent movement of each pupil. The jaw and nose structures would have to be supported by a skull, as well as the inner ear structure. So going from that, they'd have a very minimal skull with a large empty space for the massive eye. I'm guessing the brain and central nervous system would be behind and lower then the eye, probably sitting right atop of the spinal cord. I'm not attacking ponies, but just giving you insight into them. Food for thought.

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  • It's a cartoon though so the eyes don't exactly have to be round, they could be cone shaped for example.

    Not a fan of these low quality transparency jobs Bronys do though, you'd think after doing all that work they'd get rid of the background fully.

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  • Bomber64 said:
    words words words

    It's a common practice in cartoons to enlarge the eyes. It makes the characters cuter and more expressive. Obviously if you actually tried to 'realify' them, the proportions don't make sense. At a point where they're close to real they stop being cute and fall into the uncanny valley.

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  • Bomber64 said:

    You are entirely wrong, there is absolutely no reason for her eyes to be spherical, hell given a high enough refractive index of the lens, her eye could be a few mm thick. Of course this is unlikely due to the fact that errors would be massive at this scale, however a parabola could be easily approximated with just a few cm of thickness. The real problem lies with the size of the pupils, the iris would have to be extremely flexible to accommodate such a large pup... actually no it wouldn't, because it's a fucking animated 'pony'.

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  • Only because everyone else did it...


    Rainbow is Dasher
    She's a horse companion
    Ponies see her everywhere
    Lift your hooves and haunches
    Spread your wings and join us
    You can fly up in the air

    Wooah! It's her passion! Wooah! You can see her anywhere!
    Wooah! It's her passion! Wooah-ooah...

    Rainbow... You can see it, ponies see it...
    Rainbow... Rainbow is a Dasher...

    Let the rainbow fly you, guide you, get inside you, set your sight to move to its location- through Cloudsdale with- invitation, - so - it's all in place and... High and mighty must be key to see you take it all in, nothing to lose everything to win.

    Let it control you, throw you, roll you, in the hole and through, touch it taste it, free yourself; let it persuade you.

    Got to be what you wanna. If the skies don't take you that pony's gonna...

    I know I'm gettin' faster when I say Rainbow is a Dasher.

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