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  • cayrne_sh1606 said:
    At least she gets used (pun welcome, but not intended) more on the net by artists than in WoW.

    She's a character of the same race as an Alliance faction, and isn't being used in or to advance the Horde's story. So of course they dropped her ASAP.

    Unless you want to count the character assassination they later did in BfA, in which the Mag'har Orcs backstory for joining the main timeline Horde was to escape their own timeline in which Yrel was now a religious zealot with her and her group forcibly converting people to their religion or they kill them.


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  • drakkenfyre said:
    She's a character of the same race as an Alliance faction, and isn't being used in or to advance the Horde's story. So of course they dropped her ASAP.

    Unless you want to count the character assassination they later did in BfA, in which the Mag'har Orcs backstory for joining the main timeline Horde was to escape their own timeline in which Yrel was now a religious zealot with her and her group forcibly converting people to their religion or they kill them.

    I know... sadly, but i know. It's practically an open not-so-secret that the writer's of WoW's lore are VERY fond of the Horde. Ever since Metzen and his massive, rock-hard hard-on for Thrall.

    One thing about the BfA-storyline though. It at least wasn't THE Yrel, was it? Not the one players met in WoD i mean, right? It was an alternate-alternate-timeline. That's something, at least... and should we ever get that Light vs. Void - Expansion, who knows... she might return. Wishful thinking, maybe, but hey... crazier things have happened.

    Speaking of religious zealots... i also hated what they did with the Naaru in Legion. Imo, not everything needs shades of grey. But after that, turning Draenei into basically the Scarlet Crusade turned up to 11 was just the next logical step, alternate timeline or not.

    Aaaaand that's enough nerd-rage for today :D

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  • cayrne_sh1606 said:
    I know... sadly, but i know. It's practically an open not-so-secret that the writer's of WoW's lore are VERY fond of the Horde. Ever since Metzen and his massive, rock-hard hard-on for Thrall.

    One thing about the BfA-storyline though. It at least wasn't THE Yrel, was it? Not the one players met in WoD i mean, right? It was an alternate-alternate-timeline. That's something, at least... and should we ever get that Light vs. Void - Expansion, who knows... she might return. Wishful thinking, maybe, but hey... crazier things have happened.

    Speaking of religious zealots... i also hated what they did with the Naaru in Legion. Imo, not everything needs shades of grey. But after that, turning Draenei into basically the Scarlet Crusade turned up to 11 was just the next logical step, alternate timeline or not.

    Aaaaand that's enough nerd-rage for today :D

    Been playing Blizzard games since before they were named Blizzard. I'm all familiar with their Horde bias, heh. The denial from Horde players is infuriating now, though. They've ignored and denied the blatant bias for years, and then when one of the original vanilla devs released a behind-the-scenes book and flat-out admits that EVERYONE on the WoW (and War3) teams were pro-Horde, they still deny it. Trying to use every excuse they can think of to discredit the dude. Ironically, the one dev who actually played an Alliance character was Metzen, because Paladin was his favorite class and he had no choice back then. The dev who wrote the book said everyone gave him shit over it.

    Whether or not its the original Yrel we see is something that's still in question, and Blizzard's not confirmed it one way or another. I'd prefer it if it wasn't, but we know they'd probably say it was.

    And I absolutely agree about the Naaru. With so many characters and factions being evil or morally grey, and corruption being Blizzard's most worn-out trope for creating drama/villains it was nice having a race that was 100% pure and benevolent (minus their void phase which was a natural part of their incredibly long life cycle and not an inherent maliciousness) and were a physical representation of the Light. One shining thing that you knew you were on the right side with.

    But nope. Let's ruin them. The Light is a cult, and the Naaru are the cult leaders. Give yourself, your life, everything about your being to the light, and live forever in service of it and your Naaru cult leaders masters. Spread our religion to the heathens, and if they resist, wipe them all out. Thanks, Blizzard. Thanks for ruining one of the only unquestionably pure and good races in the game, turning the IP's concept of a universal holy deity/force into an extremist religion, and shit all over your own lore.

    That's what happens when later devs don't give a shit about what early devs wrote.

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