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FNS Series - Cin n' Pachi

#2 on the list, a Cinccino X Pachirisu thing.

This one is....MUCH longer than the previous, and is more well animated and stuff, but, this being my second attempt, there are still some noobie problems.
The weird, uh, interval things I do every other second, you won't be seeing those again after this, trust me.
Also, I didn't know how to end it, so, the ending is kiiinda iffy.

Here is the tale of a Pachirisu and a Cinccino. The Pachirisu has been stalking him for months, aware of when he wakes up and does his business, when he sleeps, eats, everything. The Cinccino ignored her in favor of his other friends, but that only makes her want him more. It seems she has grown tired of watching...

Sorta based on another thing I have worked on for a while.....But doesn't follow it exactly.

  • Comments
  • Can we talk about how when he entered there was a pause? He asked if she was okay before continuing. I'd just like to note that.

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  • The ending was perfect, he didn't blow his load and leave but rather embraced her and they held hands and snuggled to sleep. Adorable and romantic!

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