monster hunter and etc created by nexivian
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  • crux_najii69 said:
    Can you go the fuck away for once!

    *has disapeared into the tent and all you can hear is sounds of some gunlance being turned into a ICBM and posably a dragonater shell being loaded into the thing* I WAS HERE FOR THE TOBI NOT YOU...

    jokes aside im still suprised the style makes it all soo good. but ya i would be a crazy man to drag out one of the most expensive and powerful tools in a hunters arsonal just to end a single bazle

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  • kingofnowere said:
    *has disapeared into the tent and all you can hear is sounds of some gunlance being turned into a ICBM and posably a dragonater shell being loaded into the thing* I WAS HERE FOR THE TOBI NOT YOU...

    jokes aside im still suprised the style makes it all soo good. but ya i would be a crazy man to drag out one of the most expensive and powerful tools in a hunters arsonal just to end a single bazle


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