"What is Chaos but a concept granted malevolent life?"
Ildrei would live through this day, but not unscathed. Scarred in more way than one. A lingering fear of the deepest woods would remain. Small, easily ignored most times, yet present always. More than a fear, even; a certainty. Surety that more lurked in the dark corners of the world than mere goblins and beastmen. Dreams would remain, passing images of a silent, colorless forest where a malign intelligence reigned; a wood beyond the Old World, beyond the stars, beyond even - the dreams dared say - the the reach of the four Lords of Lies. In those woods lay a mind eternally patient, eternally hateful.
And in her mind the words repeated: Kyrie Eleison, Kyrie Eleison.
MemberDon’t worry; she’s mostly ‘armless.
Member"mortality clarify in a single strike" -The ancestor
MemberBut it wasn't her left arm, so she's clearly not alright.
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