bug-eaten, not bug-eaten, and ratt (jojo's bizarre adventure) created by pankallisti
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  • atomcocktail said:
    What is that green thing in the background? Some sort of gun?

    They're characters from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - their 'power' is that they can summon this green rifle/cannon thing out of thin air, which fires darts. I added it just to make the characters more recognizeable ^^

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  • chaoticcatalyst said:
    Hold on, hold on.... is that a JOJO reference?! And is this some alternative universe where the rats win?!

    no this is one of those moments where 2 stand users have the same stand and they both happen to be rats

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  • don't wanna be "that guy" but one of them is called not-bug eaten and the other is called bug eaten

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  • bluefenixfbr said:
    anything is possible with [Dirty deed done dirt cheap].

    I don't want to be "that guy" either, but wouldn't that make them collide into each other and cease to exist?

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