jonesy hoovus, marnie, and straxus created by grimart
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  • sorry about the language...but That Bitch... figures though she is off the force but still had deep knowledge about the she took jonesy piece...and has to have some knowledge about straxus so how the hell is she suprised? she single handedly caused this

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  • Straxus, "Fix her."
    Me remembering Jon Tron Flex seal.
    "Oh sure. You can fix that girl. You'll get her back after blowing a hole in her head."
    Grabs some Flex tape. "Just slam some flex tape on her, and she'll be good as new."
    On another Note, what is he gonna expect if she comes back to life?

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  • mr_pebbles said:
    Straxus, "Fix her."
    Me remembering Jon Tron Flex seal.
    "Oh sure. You can fix that girl. You'll get her back after blowing a hole in her head."
    Grabs some Flex tape. "Just slam some flex tape on her, and she'll be good as new."
    On another Note, what is he gonna expect if she comes back to life?

    A broken marriage, Flex Tape is shown to be slightly better than placebo.

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  • furryvorelover01 said:
    sorry about the language...but That Bitch... figures though she is off the force but still had deep knowledge about the she took jonesy piece...and has to have some knowledge about straxus so how the hell is she suprised? she single handedly caused this

    Some fucking friend. This death is on HER and i hope she breaks under the guilt of getting Jonesy killed.

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  • mr_pebbles said:
    Straxus, "Fix her."
    Me remembering Jon Tron Flex seal.
    "Oh sure. You can fix that girl. You'll get her back after blowing a hole in her head."
    Grabs some Flex tape. "Just slam some flex tape on her, and she'll be good as new."
    On another Note, what is he gonna expect if she comes back to life?

    probably wants to interrogate here , since it seems his other source in the department has gone quiet

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  • Holy fuckin plot twist ending. Kinda salty, but it adds up with the knowledge she had that she'd just so happen to be working for stax

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