jonesy hoovus, marnie, and straxus created by grimart
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  • I do reckon Marnie is gonna shoot Straxus (who wouldn't want to) no one is around the guard is gone and i don't think Straxus knows Marnie has Jonesy's gun.
    If she feels bad for Jonesy enough she might just wound Straxus to get away from him and save Jonesy by taking her to hospital. He isn't going to die tho.

    I'm just wondering where the interragation later comes into it, many pages ago when she was screwing Straxus there was black speech bubbles. Jonesy was confessing about the sex with Straxus and someone asking her did she get tested afterwards.

    The black bubbles also said "Jonesy... We can't prosecute him to the fullest extent if you say things like that" (definitely an in the future conversation yet to happen)

    She we live from this and he will be arrested at some point 100 pages from now or 20. Whether she can walk? Or if she's in a hospital bed. (maybe dying even)
    She will remember stuff to some extent maybe she'll have amnesia temporarily might buy Straxus some time to tighten his hold on the police.

    That's if Grimart cares for continuity in this comic but it's essential to make a good story.
    When interesting shit goes down the amount of small details to forget about that can tell you more about what won't happen can give so much away.

    I do think those who are invested in this comic should do a re-read sure it can spoil the tension and maybe the twists won't as thrilling but it will still be eyebrow raising.


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  • covargo said:
    I do reckon Marnie is gonna shoot Straxus (who wouldn't want to) no one is around the guard is gone and i don't think Straxus knows Marnie has Jonesy's gun.
    If she feels bad for Jonesy enough she might just wound Straxus to get away from him and save Jonesy by taking her to hospital. He isn't going to die tho.

    I'm just wondering where the interragation later comes into it, many pages ago when she was screwing Straxus there was black speech bubbles. Jonesy was confessing about the sex with Straxus and someone asking her did she get tested afterwards.

    The black bubbles also said "Jonesy... We can't prosecute him to the fullest extent if you say things like that" (definitely an in the future conversation yet to happen)

    She we live from this and he will be arrested at some point 100 pages from now or 20. Whether she can walk? Or if she's in a hospital bed. (maybe dying even)
    She will remember stuff to some extent maybe she'll have amnesia temporarily might buy Straxus some time to tighten his hold on the police.

    That's if Grimart cares for continuity in this comic but it's essential to make a good story.
    When interesting shit goes down the amount of small details to forget about that can tell you more about what won't happen can give so much away.

    I do think those who are invested in this comic should do a re-read sure it can spoil the tension and maybe the twists won't as thrilling but it will still be eyebrow raising.

    Disappointingly enough that isn't present on the Patreon versions, meaning it may be nothing at all and done simply for the sake of censorship. Could it be a small hint? Sure, I'll remain cautiously optimistic however.

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  • texp88 said:
    Did he actually shoot her... to make her forget her memory?

    I'm no brain surgeon, but I don't think that's how it works...

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  • zaitsiev said:
    I'm no brain surgeon, but I don't think that's how it works...

    I'm no brain surgeon either, but I think its almost how it works, except it would be more complex then that.

    Most of the memory part of the brain would be around the prefrontal lobe/cortex and in the center of the brain (Hyippocampus, Amygdala, etc) which a bullet wouldnt be able to hit without causing damage to other parts of the brain and killing her.

    So unless of some sort of "miracle" it would be unlikely. But we don't know, it all up to Grimart and they are free to do whatever they want UwU

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  • kitegear said:
    Disappointingly enough that isn't present on the Patreon versions, meaning it may be nothing at all and done simply for the sake of censorship. Could it be a small hint? Sure, I'll remain cautiously optimistic however.

    The black bubbles are on this public comic the pages they pop up on are around 65 pages in it's when Straxus takes Jonesy to his house to shag for the first time.

    The black bubbles imply she is being interragated by future investigators and she's confessing to the their relationship while also not knowing who Straxus was or what he did. They made it sound like Jonesy was under pressure while reciting her story.

    I don't know why the Patreon versions wouldn't have these bubbles i'd don't know as i can't see them but i doubt it's some form of censorship maybe in the Patreon versions he forgot to put the black bubbles in and corrected them in the public version.

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