created by gamera (artist)

Artist's description:
A picture I did for DS's story, Broken Prison

Basically, both girls were amputated of their limbs by a mad scientist woman (though for different reasons). While one had dog limbs re-attached to her body, making her like a pet, the other had cybernetic limbs prepared, though she doesn't control them.

So the Maid is more like a "passenger", since her limbs act on their own: it can seem bad like that, but in fact, it's pretty neat, as she can do house chores while sleeping, hehe.

Both of them are quite pretty, I wonder which one I'd prefer to go out with ^_^

  • Comments
  • kenten said:
    Haha, to think that DS stories now got it's fan art cover!
    This is simple awesome. :-D

    Whats DS Stories? s=

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