created by ruaidri

Breaking Her In

"There's only one thing you need to remember. Your body is mine now. Mine to do whatever I want with. If I want you naked, you strip for me. If I want to be inside you, you'll open yourself up to me. If I want you to cum, you cum for me. You keep me happy, and I will keep you happy, but don't ever forget who you belong to, or things will start to get -real- interesting..., cum for me."


For the record, I don't think I could ever really talk to somebody like that. It's just fun to imagine getting complete and total control over someone and having them like it. This is supposed to be all about fantasy anyway, isn't it? x3

Going to be busy most of the day so I couldn't really do any of the painting I've got planned, but I had a bit of time in the morning so I figured it was a good chance to break in my new toy and ger her started on her long and messy journey of keeping me satisfied. The first step to getting a new pet is training them and letting them know exactly what is expected of them, after all...

Quick and messy doodle, but despite some pretty weird messups, still a fun one. Hope you like it.

  • Comments
  • Ru's commentary on the piece is just awesome.

    "There's only one thing you need to remember. Your body is mine now. Mine to do whatever I want with. If I want you naked, you strip for me. If I want to be inside you, you'll open yourself up to me. If I want you to cum, you cum for me. You keep me happy, and I will keep you happy, but don't ever forget who you belong to, or things will start to get -real- interesting..., cum for me."

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  • gosman said:
    that's creepy...

    What's so creepy about it? It's a Master/slave piece, and the commentary fits perfectly.

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  • wwdarkpaw said:
    What's so creepy about it? It's a Master/slave piece, and the commentary fits perfectly.

    Remember there are a lot of kids on this site. They probably don't have a lot of experience with this kind of relationship.
    But in the context of what it is, yeah, the dialogue is pretty good.

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  • wwdarkpaw said:
    What's so creepy about it? It's a Master/slave piece, and the commentary fits perfectly.

    I don't mind playing around with the idea of a master/slave thing, but when it becomes permanent, it just rubs me the wrong way. although I like the pic as it is though, so that's a plus

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  • gosman said:
    I don't mind playing around with the idea of a master/slave thing, but when it becomes permanent, it just rubs me the wrong way. although I like the pic as it is though, so that's a plus

    You probably wouldn't know it from looking at them, but there are a lot of couples who live this way permanently. In varying degrees of submission/dominance. And not just sexually.
    They're happy that way.

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  • Acolyte said:
    You probably wouldn't know it from looking at them, but there are a lot of couples who live this way permanently. In varying degrees of submission/dominance. And not just sexually.
    They're happy that way.

    Should we treat these people to a round of applause? They way you organized that made it sound like some approbation speech.

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  • pcred566 said:
    Should we treat these people to a round of applause? They way you organized that made it sound like some approbation speech.

    I think the notion of the comment was "No one fucking likes slavers."
    It'd an iffy subject.

    Oh, boy, I remember the fun times I had in Fallout 3, eating them.

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  • pcred566 said:
    Should we treat these people to a round of applause? They way you organized that made it sound like some approbation speech.

    Let me think about that.

    Why, yes. Yes, I think we should.

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