kappy and ru created by ruaidri

Kappy Pr0n Trade

I'm sorry I can't spend more time on this... I wanted to do a full background like you did for mine, but between the fact I have to use pencils, and the way my boss has been working me crazy lately, six days a week, and I have serious plans coming up, I just can't spend any more time on this. I know it's not the best... but I tried, really I did! I hope it's okay =/

Anyway, my half of a trade with Kappy We both decided to do oral pictures, one with a male recieving, one with a female recieving. I got the male :P Kappy likes to please, it seems. I, obviously, have no problem with that XD

So, when am I going to get someone to do this for me for real, huh? XD

Anyway, here it is... I hope it's okay.

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