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  • Don't know if this is intentional or not but he walks like a giraffe, with both legs on one side moving forward together, rather than how a canine would walk which is front leg and opposite side hind leg moving forward together.
    I do love how soft and fluffy that head is, looks like a plushy.

    *Edit, nevermind about the walk cycle, I don't know what I'm talking about, I was thinking of a running dog.


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  • Nice, cool to see that you're getting into 3d, decent walk cycle too. Could use some improvements though.
    I recommend giving this a watch if you're interested. (dog walk cycle tutorial) (dog walk cycle reference) (lion walk cycle reference)
    You already have the core down, but if you're using blender then try to look into using the animation graph editor, the part where the legs move back should be slower/offset which would be an easy fix using the dope sheet editor. (dope sheet introduction)

    Good luck in the future! :)

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  • rhoxvii said:
    Don't know if this is intentional or not but he walks like a giraffe, with both legs on one side moving forward together, rather than how a canine would walk which is front leg and opposite side hind leg moving forward together. I do love how soft and fluffy that head is, looks like a plushy.

    Actually, dogs do walk like that. So do cats.

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  • rhoxvii said:
    Don't know if this is intentional or not but he walks like a giraffe, with both legs on one side moving forward together, rather than how a canine would walk which is front leg and opposite side hind leg moving forward together.
    I do love how soft and fluffy that head is, looks like a plushy.

    *Edit, nevermind about the walk cycle, I don't know what I'm talking about, I was thinking of a running dog.

    No, I think you were right initially. Even when walking, a dog's legs on one side should move in opposite directions.

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  • rhoxvii said:
    Don't know if this is intentional or not but he walks like a giraffe, with both legs on one side moving forward together, rather than how a canine would walk which is front leg and opposite side hind leg moving forward together.
    I do love how soft and fluffy that head is, looks like a plushy.

    *Edit, nevermind about the walk cycle, I don't know what I'm talking about, I was thinking of a running dog.

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  • Sure, it had to be "Stayin' alive" - the first comic got a strike by Nintendo. So now it's this comic and the characters did change a bit...
    Thank you for this fluffy masterpiece here. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

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  • So this is the Sam I've been hearing about, the detail on the fur is the stuff of gods, the animation is so seamless and smooth. The one thing that bugs me are the ears and maybe the face a tiny bit, the ears look a bit too stiff and it makes me think I'm watching a realistic plush walk. Besides that, this is something I, as well as someone I know could only dream of making.

    Is there a SFW version I could find to show others?

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  • love this song, but how meany animal's with by stepping with both paws/hooves on one side of their body at a time?

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  • Funny thing is, I was watching this without sound and I was already thinking about the song in my head before I noticed the tag. XD

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  • Do you realize what you've just done Kuroodod?

    You just upened up a whole new can of worms. Now we're all going to expect and demand that you give the other characters the same treatment.
    Such as Pride marching to "Fire" By the Ohio Players.

    Gluttony's theme being Baby Got Back (Sir Mix A Lot)

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  • Seeing a common stationary walk cycle like this with this song, before the singing began, all I could think about was the end of the song where they sing "I'm going nowhere, somebody help me." Beautiful model & textures. The hair dynamics are great, too.

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