nintendo and etc created by lonbluewolf
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Beaches are too hot, they make you sweat and they're full of sand. Go to a pool instead.

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  • And here, ladies and gentlemen, is exhibit [some high number] of why I appreciate super underdone pokemon: cause when they happen, they really stand out, AND IT FREAKIN ROCKS.

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  • xatuish123 said:
    And here, ladies and gentlemen, is exhibit [some high number] of why I appreciate super underdone pokemon: cause when they happen, they really stand out, AND IT FREAKIN ROCKS.

    I'm the same way. im not a caterpie fan but some ppl have done good work morphing them. i'm surprised it took so long for one like shuckle

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  • Remember that episode where a guy releases shuckle that have like berry juice in their shell to raise affection? Well now we know where that juice comes from not a berry but a melon.

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