created by ruaidri

On the Prowl

If you really sit down and think about it, this picture doesn't make much sense. To be perfectly honest, I didn't have much in mind when I started it- I just sorta wanted to draw a big slightly werewolfish sorta thing for some reason. The rest kind of fell together as I was working on it. The way I've presented this picture makes it look a little bit like he's going to hunt you down, pounce on you and... suck your dick against your will? I dunno.

The biggest story of this picture is it's nighttime-ness. I knew I wanted it to be night time, but I didn't think I'd be able to pull it off. I figured it would be difficult and I might ruin the picture if I tried so I should probably just make it a more daytime type scene. Then I remembered that the sorts of things I have trouble with are the exact sorts of things I should be trying right now, so full moon it is!

Came out a'ight, I guess. Not great, but I kinda like the overall picture. I hope you folks like it too. :3

  • Comments
  • I feel it came out great!

    He's out on the prowl, hungry, thirsty, ravenous. He just finished with his last prey - drinking down thier ecstacy and filling them with his own - now he's spotted you.

    Do you run or kneel?

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