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  • Comments
  • I would imagine there'd be a remake of this but with balls and a cock to go with it. I knda hope so. Also in my opinion I like Typhlosion. So there =)

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  • Even if there were an XXX version of this, people should understand that you don't always need to see the "whole package" for it to be hot/hotter and/or better. And besides, who would make an adult version? Obviously not the creator.
    (see his other creations for a better understanding)

    P.S. It still surprises me that the other two recieved negative scores, even though they didn't have penis showing

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  • Mogo said:
    Buff typhlosion is so terribly hot. I actually disassembled the flash so I could get the assets and make a wallpaper out of him (1920x1080)

    Actually, how would you disassemble a flash like this, out of curiosity?

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  • lizardlover said:
    I want Charizard to be in me

    He he... I was going to say that about both Typhlosian and Blaziken. Who wouldn't want those two in them?

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