flora, roselyn, and trace legacy (twokinds) created by tom fischbach

"The Painting"
The other Saria paintings they mention can be seen on page 963 when they first enter the manor.

Sketch of the 1112th page of TwoKinds.


Flora: Are you sure you’re okay now, Trace?

Trace: I’m alright. Don’t worry.

Flora: Oh! I didn’t notice this painting here before. It’s another of Miss Roselyn, like the one in the foyer.

Trace: Ah, yeah. Saria’s work again.

Flora: It seems like she enjoyed painting Rose a lot. They must have been good friends. Saria’s death had to have been devastating to her as well.

Flora: I wonder if Rose was planning to be the nanny, had Saria lived?

Trace: I don’t remember, but… yeah, probably. She acts like a stern old wolf now, but somehow I get the feeling back then she’d have been just as excited.

Trace: SIGH

Trace: Come on, we should get out of here.

Trace: I don’t like this place. Too many old…

Page transcript provided by iliar

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