dungeons and dragons and etc created by merrunz
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  • foxyfuntime said:
    It’s a cutless a pirate sword

    It's actually a scimitar. A cutlass is like a katana in that the blade is a uniform thickness until it gets close to the tip where it tapers to a point, where as a scimitar actually widens slightly and has a point on the back of the blade at the widest part before it tapers to the pointed tip.

    playfulwynx said:
    I don't wanna be that guy but it is a cutlass, not a cutless

    It's nice to see you trying to teach people the proper spelling especially when some spell checks don't know the correct spelling of the word or even recognize it as a word.

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  • foxyfuntime said:
    It’s a cutless a pirate sword

    Cutlasses didn't originate from pirates they originated from the east and Persia. Its just super romanticized and Europe picked up on the designs

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  • dead1nside770 said:

    Lol thanks for reminding me of the time I nearly killed my friend with laughter xD

    (Context: He was playing just random notes on his piano and happened to hit the sequence people use for "welcome to Arabia" scenes, and I came out with "Now I'm imagining a guy dressed in nothing but a teatowel and holding a scimitar". He actually had issues breathing properly for a few minutes after that from how hard he was laughing and for a couple of months afterwards saying "Scimitars and teatowels" to him would send him into new fits of laughter)

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