created by trout (artist)
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formidable duo

  • Comments
  • fuckthisshiti'mout said:
    And here i am, blacklisting the "LGBT pride" tag...

    Might do the same though I'll wait for it to become a really big pain in the ass otherwise I might miss some quality content that just has something LGBT related

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  • verysadfox said:
    Might do the same though I'll wait for it to become a really big pain in the ass otherwise I might miss some quality content that just has something LGBT related

    the ratio good content/whiny political material is still pretty good imo, there are lots of nice pride pics. i wouldn't blacklist it yet

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  • vaevictus said:
    the ratio good content/whiny political material is still pretty good imo, there are lots of nice pride pics. i wouldn't blacklist it yet

    Agreed. I just hope it doesn't take the same turn that a few other tags have. Don't wanna have it become another politics tag.

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  • verysadfox said:
    Might do the same though I'll wait for it to become a really big pain in the ass otherwise I might miss some quality content that just has something LGBT related

    Honestly there's plenty of good art that gets uploaded regularly, if you miss a few good pieces just to avoid some cringe, you wouldn't be missing a lot.
    You could still peek into the tag every now and then to save good art and ignore the rest.

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  • vaevictus said:
    the ratio good content/whiny political material is still pretty good imo, there are lots of nice pride pics. i wouldn't blacklist it yet

    Yes it's still too soon for that

    waskom_frost said:
    Agreed. I just hope it doesn't take the same turn that a few other tags have. Don't wanna have it become another politics tag.

    I agree the whole pride thing was ok until it became a platform for silencing opinions by using gay or trans card like a shield: "If you disagree you are a [insert whatever]-phobe". It had a purpose at start for sure but like many other good things they eventually go to shit because of some extreme people or white knights that just look for a cause that can give them social points and attention even if they don't know shit about the cause or don't really care

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  • lasagna_kob said:
    Well in all honesty, I'd hope nobody gets eaten for their political opinions
    Cuz that's kinda not right

    unless you're into vore
    but that's not my business

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  • lasagna_kob said:
    Well in all honesty, I'd hope nobody gets eaten for their political opinions
    Cuz that's kinda not right

    Not agreeing with trans peoples existence isn't fucking political, it's bigotry

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