loimu created by loimu
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  • eclipse_nebula said:
    Cheese grater incident?

    The image shows the answer to a very old question, " what happens if I put cheese greater on my ass and remove it?" a lot of blood and agony is the result. Someone also made a remake of the image.

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  • rj36 said:
    The image shows the answer to a very old question, " what happens if I put cheese greater on my ass and remove it?" a lot of blood and agony is the result. Someone also made a remake of the image.


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  • I love how the cheese grater image is so well known only because people have decided "Okay, so this is the best rated image, but what's the WORST?" and proceeded to go looking. That and a lot of people found the image to begin with lmao.

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  • varaug said:

    anything is a dildo if you're brave(stupid) enough and have enough lube. would you like to wager on how many ER visits are to remove things up assholes?

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  • user_390516 said:
    This is the reason furries get a bad rep

    Nah it's cause most people are prejudiced against that which isn't the norm, abnormal, unusual, different, or generally not what they find acceptable.
    Which is all of humanity in one way or another.

    vulpeslaslunes said:
    anything is a dildo if you're brave(stupid) enough and have enough lube. would you like to wager on how many ER visits are to remove things up assholes?

    No bet.
    My mother is a nurse and I've never heard any of her stories of times patients did stupid things, but I wouldn't doubt that she has at least one story of a patient who shoved something where it most certainly didn't belong.

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  • little_mac said:
    Ummm you do know that we perform similar actions on cows to mass produce milk right?

    The difference is that this is made in a sexual purpose.

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