agent torque and baera (x-com: chimera squad and etc) created by inkanyamba (artist)
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Torque has drawn the short straw and had to... break in the fresh face, aka Baera,

Why is she nude? Don't worry about it

  • Comments
  • That's a really meaty tongue but it would make sense with a move like 'tongue pull' as I highly doubt their regular whip like tongues can execute such without a lot of strain.

    I want to catch it with chopsticks...

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  • mdf said:
    That's a really meaty tongue but it would make sense with a move like 'tongue pull' as I highly doubt their regular whip like tongues can execute such without a lot of strain.

    I want to catch it with chopsticks...

    than good luck, a viper can pull bloody bruts form 1 side of a room to the other in a hroicery store if they are a active combative like tourge, and this is alos going on with the brute being the size axon in short, but i can see a few vipers (a pair to 4) able ot pull and drag a bezerker around with ease.

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