created by grimart

I decided to upload the last two pages at the same time. This ending is very painful to me because of many things, to the point where I had to include an author's note. Thank you guys for sticking with me. I assure you, the next comic will not be so dark (for the sake of my poor heart)! The next comic is already being worked on, and you can see the first few pages on Patreon! It's called 'Divine Extinction'.

Also, Tell Me More is now available on Gumroad! All of the high resolution pages and standalone images are in there. It's pay what you want.

  • Comments
  • This is, in terms of storyline, suspense and character development, one of the best furry comics I’ve ever read.

    Sure, I’ll admit that I picked it up for the hawt clouded leopard in stripper gear, but I kept reading it out of genuine edge-of-my-seat curiosity about what was going to happen to poor Jonesy Hoovus next. I’m genuinely sad at the ending, but not disappointed — I understand exactly why you ended it this way.

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  • Not every story ends happy, or ends where others can see it. I think this kind of ending works, both for being fairly realistic and as a moldbreaker.

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  • 'That was an intense story that took much out of me the complete' Right then the next comic is called Divine Extinction.

    Out of the frying pan into the fire well it's good that Jonesy won't be feeling the heat this time.....or will she!?!?

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  • "I trusted you!". Yes she did. That is the point. 073 is fulfilling that trust. "I know what you are thinking and I know what I must do". At least there was some one there for her.

    A fantastic job on the comic, artwork and story line. I look forward to your next endeavor what ever it may be. You have a high understanding in the social sciences to be able to take this where you did.

    einfach wunderbar

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  • devilinc said:
    So in other ends on a cliffhanger...grrreeaaaattttttt..

    great story tho.

    Well, you're not wrong, but at the same time, I can't fault Grimart for ending it this way.

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  • Mad respect for Grimart here. Psychological distress and trauma is one of the hardest things to write. The story had so much merit and as it went on they realized that when it came to healing Jonesy, they had no idea how to do it, they had no way to understand the kind of steps she'd go through in life past this point. They knew that trying may ruin people's perception of the story -- people may take it as advice or bet mad at what happens next.

    Furthermore, this ending actually gives the reader a lot of room to try and come up with their own ending.

    In many ways, life after trauma is exactly like this ending -- full of questions and fearing and unsure of what comes next. That's what I think actually makes the ending quite brilliant.

    I can tell Grimart was worried about leaving the story like this. They seemed to have even felt bad...
    If my comment ever makes its way to them, I hope they enjoy knowing that people like me who really appreciated this story are not disappointed by the ending. I actually love it as is without any answers. Grimart did an amazing job with this story.

    It's like the ending of the Sopranos, guys. Less is more.

    Can't wait for their next masterpiece!

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  • Maybe he'll do a bonus page on the comic's anniversary next year that will be Jonesy looking at the place where her father's ashes were scattered and then burying the shirt with his blood on it.

    Not a word she'll say only the look of inner tranquil and a single tear.

    I picture an oak tree on a small hill near the edge of a cliff with her standing to the side of it looking out over the sea.

    Optional: Someone is leaning against a car waiting for Jonsey can't make out whether it's a robot or a person too far away.

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  • I remember stumbling across this comic one year ago (or maybe even earlier), it had around 50/60 pages by then.
    I didn't follow it (idk if it's the right term, English isn't my native language), and, yesterday, I rediscovered the comic.

    I might have spoiled myself the last pages, but I don't fully understand their context. So I'm curious to know the how and why of the ending.

    I started reading the comic from where I left off and I'm enjoying it so far.
    I probably should reread it from the beginning though.

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  • I have read a lot of books from the point of people with psychological damage because I find them fascinating. That being said this comic was absolutely amazing and was on par with professionally published books. Writing about mental illness is not an easy task and it's good to know your limitations. Thank you Grimart for a wonderful read and story, nobody suffers psychological damage and goes back to normal in a couple weeks. You knew exactly when to call it quits

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  • In the end i appreciate the ending. its goes to show that she's stopped trusting herself and at this point anything she could tell you she wouldn't beleive herself. up to this point the story has followed her thinking and downward spiral to the point it was where it leaves off. at this point one can assume her torment will continue for a long time.

    but I appreciate you ended at a spot you feel comfortable with. it took 2 years but the fact we've been here makes it a successful story, even if there is not a 'good' ending. story like this doesn't need one, because there isn't one. At this point its safer to draw whatever conclusion one can make themselves, because everyone is different and would likely not accept a simpler ending. at the end of the day I can say I have appreciated tuning into this comic long enough to reach the conclusion of it. Fantastic effort Grimart.

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  • Considering the tone of this comic, I'd argue this is a 'happy' ending in some regard. Jonesy has Sol, and though currently her mental condition won't allow her to see it, he's giving her something that the comic does in fact end with, hope. A bad ending to me leaves no logical room for hope that the protagonists can come through their situations with any degree that can be believed, be it death or no support from anyone, etc. However that's not entirely the case here. There's hope that Jonesy can stabilize and while never returning to how she used to be, be able to carry on a semblance of a normal life. It won't be easy, there's going to be a lot of hardships, it's going to take a lot of time, but I do think there's a path and possibility for her to recover from this to some degree, and that's why I think this comic ends at just the right time. Kudos Grimart for this one.

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  • In my head, i've been sure she will go back to strax and they will help eachother once he's out of the prison one way or another. Well, had fun reading the comic anyways, well made!

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  • This is one of the top tier comics on here, the story is unmatched in terms of it's complexity, everything about it was so well though through and I completely understand how it essentially had to end like this, it'd take a good 3 more similarly long comics to finish this story, leaving it like this, at least for now, is the way to go.

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  • Having take a two year break on reading this comic then picking this back up until the end was a rollercoaster of a ride. This is a fantastic story and glad it's stopped here since my heart really goes to Jonesy in this circumstance. Every character was perfect with their imperfections.

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  • and to think I came here many months ago for a quick jerk off, to end with my soul almost completely broken.
    This has to be one of the best comics I've ever read on my entire life, for real.

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  • Well, my heart's been completely fucked up. Jesus Christ my soul feels so bad for her and everyone else, like... god damn.

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  • This comic was really valuable in that it worked to paint a sequence of events that seemed plausible, interactions and social situations that really could happen and brought together the conclusion of them all adding up in a really transparent manner, where it was made clear how the main character felt at each stage and why. Thank you so much for introducing these topics in the way you did.

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  • I have little words. Your work is amazing, it is a shame Jonesy did not get too see there ending but it makes a lot sense. Its nice to know that she dose end up better in some way due to this post ( They may not be able to carry on the legacy, but they be able to find there own. Hope your doing well, this was an amazing window into another world, happy or not.

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  • Straxus is genuinely one of the most tragic villains I have read to date. Although he seems like he commits crimes wantonly, what he really needed in his life was sympathy and guidance. He didn't deserve to be crippled and waste away for life.

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  • It is no accident that cops ruin their lives in the line of "duty" given that said duty is actually to ruin lives under the guise of "order". it's not a flaw, but a feature.
    Superb comic otherwise. Could've gotten grimmer at times for my taste, but it delivers; and the ending is a perfect (non) wrap up.

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