created by grimart

Posting this early because I don't know how available I'll be tomorrow.
Wow, this page took three days to complete between work even with extra help. Well, this is the ride I set myself up for. ) It'll probably get easier when there's less happening on the page!

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  • Comments
  • Throwing out all of one gender,NO WAY that won't come back to bite you in the ass later (SPOILER: It will)

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  • Female Red Wolf: We are slowly going extinct! What are we gonna do!?!
    Samea: You should take all the Males, and push them somewhere else!

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  • When you think about it, this basically what the Garudo from Legend of zelda did. Like even in BOTW they out right said that after what happened with ganondorf, they banned any male from entering their homeland

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  • To solve a dwindling population
    you throw out the other half needed to grow said population
    How at all does that go?

    That's like saying you want pb&j without the J


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  • Maybe Samea thought 'i could go down the Thanos snap route and kill half the pop' or 'make this rule and cut the pop in half a much less violent way'

    Hated or Worshiped.

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  • I think Samea is just fathering all the kids, maybe even immaculate conception via ritual or some shit...I mean, we see kids in the first page of the comic. It's not like there's no births going on, even if we don't understand how.

    Is is bad that I'm annoyed how it's only page one and everyone's already "That doesn't make sense!". Like, give the artist a chance to explain it. We obviously don't know everything yet.


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  • octophile said:
    I think Samea is just fathering all the kids, maybe even immaculate conception via ritual or some shit...I mean, we see kids in the first page of the comic. It's not like there's no births going on, even if we don't understand how.

    Is is bad that I'm annoyed how it's only page one and everyone's already "That doesn't make sense!". Like, give the artist a chance to explain it. We obviously don't know everything yet.


    And where's the fun in that.


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  • what if both of the sex's just like live in paradise and prosperity but like one person has to go into the others zone and fuck it all up?

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  • coming back to read this, she said to cast out all males not matter the species
    so they didn't just cast aside their own, just any male creature
    what in the what

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