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From source:

Encounter - by CakeInferno ( )

Here it finally is, my longest animation so far! Clocking in at over 10 minutes, this somewhat unique animation mocks a classic video game boss encounter and likely a somewhat unusual romance!

A huge thank you to all of those on Patreon for enabling me to make this animation! This has taken by far the longest production time yet, due to the sheer length of the animated material. The total production time of this was roughly 8 months, with 6 months being purely animation time. I'm incredibly grateful for my patrons patience on this, as getting this done was an incredibly difficult task. Everything from making the environments, setting up lighting and shading, modelling unique assets, and of course the animation itself was quite time consuming and often drove me to the point where I started to question myself if I'm actually capable of pulling this thing off. Luckily I've had some help by some incredibly talented voice actors who helped bringing these characters to live by perfectly delivering the silly lines I gave them. A huge thank you to Gen, Barry, and Hestia for their incredible enthusiasm on this, it gave me a lot of confidence in this animation and helped driving the light-hearted mood of this film.

This animation also marks the first time I'm using binaural audio to further enhance the more sensual parts. A lot of the audio was recorded with simple every day objects, using a stereo setup of two Neumann mics. Next to the foley work there's also a decent bit of high quality library audio here, as well as some samples from Jeschke's packs that are available over on FA. The music was done in Cubase, using samples from Eastwest's Composer Cloud, as well as a couple of soundfonts and free synths I found online.

Despite the insane length, this animation was natively rendered at 60FPS/4096x2403/32-Bit color to ensure the highest possible quality. Note that the high framerate and lossless 4KHDR versions are only available on the higher Patreon tiers, as these also come with some hefty file sizes. The entire foreground (characters + close environment) was rendered on a single 2080 Ti, while the background (mountain vista + sky) was rendered by a laptop with a GTX 1070. I had to make some visual compromises to get everything rendered in a somewhat timely manner, these were mostly related to light probe resolution and fur density since these effects were pretty brutal on the VRAM. Here's hoping that making compromises will soon be a thing of the past since new GPUs are just around the corner!

Anywho, enough with the technical stuff. I hope you can enjoy the finalized animation! :D


(Bandwidth might get crippled during the first day due to the high demand, apologies in case it's slow!)

Zoe voiced by: genlightningturtle
Space Hero voiced by: baritonev
Radio Communication Voiced by:

Some Vore Sound Assets by: jeschke

As always, if you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon! Supporters usually get one month early access, as well as lossless 4K/60FPS/HDR quality.

  • Comments
  • There's so much to say bout this animation, the visuals, animation, and audio are absolutely amazing. Along with the... plot? The plot type aspect is amazing as well, instead of just mindless eating; though those are still amazing. I've always loved watching the Zoe animations but this one blows everything out of the park. If I had any money I would support you, but for now, I bestow upon you the highest gift I can give, a like, favorite, and download. You have a bright future ahead of you mate!

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  • delta_wolfkin said:
    There's so much to say bout this animation, the visuals, animation, and audio are absolutely amazing. Along with the... plot? The plot type aspect is amazing as well, instead of just mindless eating; though those are still amazing. I've always loved watching the Zoe animations but this one blows everything out of the park. If I had any money I would support you, but for now, I bestow upon you the highest gift I can give, a like, favorite, and download. You have a bright future ahead of you mate!

    I hope everything goes well, in turn when this game is available in stores, one day I can play it, while in turn you can donate it to cakeinferno as a great help

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  • technopro said:
    Cakeinferno should make an actual game or an animated series. I'm pretty sure itd be incredibly popular

    I would like it to come out for this year.

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  • Welp, Its official. CakeInferno is the best vore artist and animator out there.
    Genlightningturtle,Baritone Vocant and Hestia042 by that amazing sounding voice acting.

    Y'all seriously take the cake(inferno).

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  • Not my type of kink but I'm a still upvote just because of the quality and detailing this went through for some weird fetish.

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  • Wow... i mean... Wow, This animation was very well created. I love it with all the funny details. I’m not into vore stuff, but this was great. I kinda wished for Zoe to kiss while the whispering.

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  • Well done CakeInferno! This is truly an achievement, not just in vore animation, but as a single animator animation project as well. You and your team should be very proud!

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  • This is without doubt the greatest vore video I've ever seen. God bless you, your family, and everybody that worked on this. I'm usually super disappointed with how vore vids end up but this was just... 10/10. Please keep up this amazing work man.

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  • I was hoping after the first scene that she’d keep eating his respawns until she had a visible belly bulge. The friendly vore was nice, though.

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  • i love the friendly vore and how they talk to each other and that hes starting to like it. i wana see more its so cute

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  • This is getting my fav and upvote. Even for a cakeinferno animation, which is typically great, the voice acting and the dialogue are what make this one stand out from the rest of them for me. Zoe's voice acting makes me fricking melt at points, and the player character does a fantastic job as well conveying emotion when he speaks his lines.

    The playful dialogue is refreshing too. Turns this already seemingly playful interaction into something even more lighthearted and fun, sprinkling in bits of comedy in for a chuckle or two.

    Think my favorite part is when she played peekaboo with him and pulled out a little bit of that sexual energy for a bit before they switched back to the lightheartedness, the ear whispering made me shiver and shudder when I heard it. That scene was so good. Oouff... so yeah, take my fav and upvote, cake... Im more than excited to see your next project!

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  • Not gonna lie, not really one for vore...buuut...this was really well made. The voice-acting, the animation, it was all impressive, to say the least. And the videogame spin on it is neat.

    Yeah, think this one deserves an upvote and fave from me. I'd love to see more like this, the interaction between the "player" and Zoe was pretty awesome and enjoyable. Keep up the good work!

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  • Make one think what more will be possible with what the future tech will bring in, no wonder some people are leaving real life, with high quality things like these, i would never go back unless neccesary.

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  • The dialogue is actually amazing. The banter and nicknames hint at their relationship being lovers, and it feels so natural(well, as natural as it can get for a vore animation). Whoever did the writing, kudos

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  • This is perfect, I love the dialogue, story, and the animation, everything's totally amazing and unique, I've never seen anything else quite like this, I can tell that without a shadow of a doubt Cakeinferno put a lot of effort into this and it really shows.

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  • This animation in itself is higher quality than most AAA games, and that is saying alot.

    Vore is not my thing either, but goddamn gotta appreciate genius no matter where it comes from.

    Fucking flawless work!

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  • Despite vore not really being my thing, I've always had a thing for Zoe. Evenmoreso now, she was just too adorable in this! This was without a doubt, CakeInferno's best animation to date!

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  • You know...

    You really didn't need to put so much effort into a fetish animation...

    but... you did... and I gotta say... I'm pretty dang impressed.


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  • This was fun to watch for several reasons:
    1. I grew up playing video games where you're the normal-sized guy vs the giant monster/robot/alien ever since I was little, so it struck a chord of nostalgia.
    2. It was funny.
    3. The voice-acting was excellent
    4. The animation was excellent.
    5. the sound effects were good.
    6. As a fan of vore, (though not of POV, personally, nonetheless) it was hot.

    This was one of the best vore-themed animations I've ever seen. Thanks for making it!

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  • Cake is the only reason I won't blacklist vore...and this just justified that 10-fold. What an amazing animation.
    I'm glad I got to experience this and genuinely laugh hard at it as well.

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  • Just wow. This should be an actual game. This must become an actual game, If there are some game developers among you, please make this happen. This game would be a break away from niche and i bet it would sell pretty good because there is not one single, well fracted vore-based 3D Game out there! I know that a full game with an graphics like this would just millions thou... Still. I Would buy and one can hope and dream

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  • Zoe: "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away you're coming right to me?

    Player: "I can't shoot the s*** out of you without getting closer."

    Zoe: "Oh ho! Then come as close as you like."

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  • sharkygold10 said:
    can we get a version without voices?

    I mean, easily.

    Its called the mute button.

    Otherwise it'd be kinda wierd having all the sounds but no voice to go with Zoe's lip movement.

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  • This animation has me fucking laughing if only by how silly it is. Don't get me wrong, it's hot as hell but I was smiling the entire time.

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  • I don't wanna like this (because I really don't like vore) but... there' no way for me to nit like it with that amazing animation and voice acting. Also, that reference was pretty funny, ngl.

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  • The production quality for this is absolutely absurd. This looks like something which a team of people put together.

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  • Nerdy, vore-y, heartwarming relationship, and that cute face at the end. She's so sensual and teasing about it I think it's the finest Zoe! Maybe just missed a nice belch

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  • This looks like a game. Very well made and amazing graphics. Love the chemistry between the "player" and Zoe. That last scene as he was leaving made me laugh too and honestly this is just a great video all around! It's amazing!

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  • ilovefutaponies said:
    i would totally play this

    Me too, Zoe is very cute and the expression and this Look of her at the End makes me laughing very Loud and smiling the whole day when I thought of it again.

    Its just an very good Video (or Game) 😊

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  • 4:49-5:30 was my favorite part, definitely want to see more of that in the future. Preferably with less clothes.

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  • plocana said:
    Cake is the only reason I won't blacklist vore...and this just justified that 10-fold. What an amazing animation.
    I'm glad I got to experience this and genuinely laugh hard at it as well.

    Fun fact! If you put "vore -cakeinferno" as a single line in your blacklist, it will hide all the vore posts that weren't made by cakeinferno, and leave the ones made by them alone.

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  • redmondjay said:
    Welp, Its official. CakeInferno is the best vore artist and animator out there.
    Genlightningturtle,Baritone Vocant and Hestia042 by that amazing sounding voice acting.

    Y'all seriously take the cake(inferno).

    I'll take that compliment ;)

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  • in all honesty, i wouldn't be surprised if the voice of zoe was his wife/girlfriend. lucky bastard. anyway, great animation, can't wait for the next one.

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  • Too bad she didn’t repeatedly eat him after he respawned until she was finally full and let him have the suitcase. Given she can swallow people half her size that would probably take 20 or so respawns.


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  • I'm not a fan of vore, but I respect the animation, and the voice acting is excellent. The actors bounce off one another perfectly


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  • woozle said:
    Too bad she didn’t repeatedly eat him after he respawned until she was finally full and let him have the suitcase. Given she can swallow people half her size that would probably take 20 or so respawns.

    Who says this is his first playthrough?~

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  • I’d absolutely love to see some gay stuff like this by Inferno~ She’s so flirty, and I love that with macros

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  • There's *ALWAYS* a Vore level in any media. That aside it looks like a sweet game to play in VR.

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  • If this was an actual game, I would probably buy and play it. Especially if it was for console because that is what I use.

    Side note. The weapon the “prey” is using suggests some mega-man-X inspiration but the sound of the item pickups suggests MGS inspiration. Which tells me that the person who created this is definitely a gamer like myself.

    Side note. MGS3 still best game ever created.

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  • Ignoring most of the vore which I still don’t understand why I like but- anyways this is pretty good

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