alpha blizz and fan character (nintendo and etc) created by xraven c
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  • Comments
  • daedius said:
    Can only expect jackass responses and down voting on this site from people incapable of handling simple criticism, which isn't even of the art itself but the contrast of text colour usage making it difficult to read...

    Keep being you, e621.

    Honestly I think it depends on how you word it, when you straight up say "Awful color..." you should expect some down votes because theres so many better ways of giving critism without coming off as a douche,
    "In my opinion I think that orange didnt blend the best with the text, although A color such as black might be easier to read :)"
    and no im not here to give you a hard time, just this is something lots of people dont seem to understand

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  • daedius said:
    I think it's more to do with people here thinking the worst of everything, treating everything like a personal attack... there was absolutely nothing "douchy" to what I said. But if that's what people think that speaks volumes of their mentality and how insecure they are... I'm already pretty damn well aware that the online furry community is rather vindictive and toxic to literally any form of criticism.

    Or you can just keep it to yourself and prevent the supposedly toxic criticism. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
    Lower screen brightness helps with reading text.

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  • daedius said:
    Oh please, what people perceive as toxic is all subjective... which let's be frank, is literally any form of criticism with people on this site, and to consider a colour contrast issue to be perceived as toxic is incredibly pathetic. Glad I don't associate myself with you lot.

    Let's analyze your original comment.
    Awful colour for the Braixen's text... was hard to read, had to zoom in.
    It could have easily been:
    The text color choice for Braixen blended into the background a bit, but good artwork overall.,
    and 13 people wouldn't have been compelled to downvote your comment. It would send the same message, but it would be just a bit more mature. Just...please stop massaging your ego and end this conversation a little more wiser than before. We all have better things to do.

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  • daedius said:
    Whatever. Don't care for people that take offence to petty things, like you claiming what I said to be toxic. That's on you, not me.

    And it ain't hard to down vote someone randomly on this site for sheep to trend it with down votes... πŸ™„

    Are you even listening? F this shit.πŸšͺπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ

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  • daedius said:
    And it ain't hard to down vote someone randomly on this site for sheep to trend it with down votes... πŸ™„

    I...see your point.
    Oh hey look you got a warning about trolling for the 2nd time


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