lilli created by grimart

*Lilli is the name of the wolf we've been seeing, top left wolf.
Normally I'd post two pages because this one is so simple, but I'm falling behind on page production. )':
~5 high res pages early release on

  • Comments
  • I'm guessing Valley is pregnant. And I don't think that's the dildo's only effect. This is going to be interesting.


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  • I hear that start-up businesses are difficult to maintain, so I hope her Dildo Rental Service works out for her.

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  • binagon said:
    I hear that start-up businesses are difficult to maintain, so I hope her Dildo Rental Service works out for her.

    Not a good idea,as someone will eventually catch some incurable disease. No telling how old that dildo is.

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  • wont people take pregnancy as being blessed by samea?
    unless samea is gonna see this and rain shit on them, hope they do ok

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  • ms-dos said:
    wont people take pregnancy as being blessed by samea?
    unless samea is gonna see this and rain shit on them, hope they do ok

    That, or they all give birth to a bunch of male children, which is definitely going to raise a lot of questions.

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  • zenzennyzen said:
    That, or they all give birth to a bunch of male children, which is definitely going to raise a lot of questions.

    I'm guessing that's what the dildos other effect is: male children. And Samea probably didn't see this coming. Probably would have happened sooner or later. Definitely getting interesting.

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  • ms-dos said:
    wont people take pregnancy as being blessed by samea?
    unless samea is gonna see this and rain shit on them, hope they do ok

    Could be that people notice pregnancies happening without the sacrifice ceremony and realize that said pregnancies aren't from Samea.

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  • kaworu said:
    Could be that people notice pregnancies happening without the sacrifice ceremony and realize that said pregnancies aren't from Samea.

    I'm guessing that during the sacrifice ceremony, after the chosen female is placed on the altar,Samea puts a spell on her the sends her into a lust fueled frenzy. She bolts off into the jungle, finds a male, fucks him senseless and returns to the altar. After that, I'm guessing she wakes up pregnant the next morning, and the village praises Samea, without knowledge of what's really happening.


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