nintendo and etc created by pdxyz
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  • Falord said:
    Don't tell me that red things a POKEMON!!?... glad I spot watching at 150....

    Falord said:
    glad I spot watching at 150....

    Falord said:
    I spot watching


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  • Falord said:
    Don't tell me that red things a POKEMON!!?... glad I spot watching at 150....

    >piles of sludge

    Your argument is invalid. At least Cherubi is closer to living, being a plant. (Like Tangela of gen 1.)

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  • RIS said:
    >piles of sludge

    Your argument is invalid. At least Cherubi is closer to living, being a plant. (Like Tangela of gen 1.)


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  • RIS said:
    >piles of sludge

    Your argument is invalid. At least Cherubi is closer to living, being a plant. (Like Tangela of gen 1.)

    Adding to your list, we have: Garbage and Ice Cream.

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  • tobias1532 said:
    Adding to your list, we have: Garbage and Ice Cream.

    We already had piles of sewage.
    Trubbish gets so much figurative shit; everyone forgets the literal shit we got in Gen 1.

    fffffffucking Genwuns, I swear.

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  • Steelswarm said:
    We already had piles of sewage.
    Trubbish gets so much figurative shit; everyone forgets the literal shit we got in Gen 1.

    fffffffucking Genwuns, I swear.

    yea really. You know pokemon first gen we had pokemon on turtles, dragons, and plants. No all we have is pokemon based on turtles, dragons, and plants. DAMNIT IT IS SO DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!

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