aimkid (copyright) created by aimkid
  • Comments
  • xaldir said:
    Love how there is that one flag where they tagged on black and brown people for some reason

    That's uh, not QUITE what that means XD

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  • crocwife said:
    Oh, hey! I recognize you! You’re that Gardivore who got in to a crossfire with the “anti-chuds” in the comments section.

    Must be frustrating to interact with them?

    I...don't recall who you're referring to, but, I do have a tendency to get into a lot of arguments unfortunately. ^^;

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  • I see people complain about peoples art not having enough lgbtq rep in it alot more times than i can count.

    But if the artist/animators creations dont involve sexuality.

    Then why would they randomly insert things relating to sexuality into their creations?

    People rlly need to chill and let artists make what they want.

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  • flame-lonewolf said:
    I prefer the concept of sexuality not existing the same as you when it comes to art, and just have characters fuck whoever regardless. But when it comes to identity, I find trans characters infinitely more interesting—due to the implications it implies—than futa/intersex—which just feels like lazily slapping a dick on a girl or whatnot to me.

    Huge same. Calling people futa/dickgirl just feels shitty and fetishy, but trans characters made by trans artists especially are really nice, and heartwarming, and also infinitely more attractive

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  • moonkitti said:
    I see people complain about peoples art not having enough lgbtq rep in it alot more times than i can count.

    But if the artist/animators creations dont involve sexuality.

    Then why would they randomly insert things relating to sexuality into their creations?

    People rlly need to chill and let artists make what they want.

    Can you... point to who's trying to force people to add more LGBT rep exactly (and don't just say tumblr, because who cares)? You're right, artists/animators don't have to include that kind of thing if they don't feel like, it's their art to make and they should do what they want, but I've legit seen almost nobody do what you're claiming. This post is literally claiming the opposite, where people get mad at them because they do add LGBT rep to their art, which... definitely happens more often than you'd think.

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  • deltadynamics said:
    I dont know these countries.

    time for you to learn about a town called gay georgia. (fun fact it is NO JOKE named that because the postmaster who founded its' last name was gaylorde. if you dont believe me look it up)

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  • somerandomvoir said:
    I think the main issue is a lot of the time it feels forced in or is the main focus, but at this point, I think just the pattern is enough to make people unhappy.
    Though really, putting any kind of flag in art is usually a risk of upsetting some kind of crowd, so it might be better off avoided. Artists are free to put whatever they want in their art, but the same kind of freedom extends to their audience, who can view and support whomever they want.

    i realize this likely isn't what you were trying to say but i wouldn't call unnaturally big LGBT rep, or being the main focus, an issue. though you are likely right that this is (at least superficially) the issue for many who have a problem with it (which seemed to be your point). although i agree that freedom of expression extends both ways, people shouldn't be more tolerant of bigoted-ish comments about LGBT rep or flags simply because the commentators are free to express it. imo

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  • Which one of those is the french flag wait shoot none of them are white must be British people

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  • Honestly after being out for a year I don't think there's such a thing as improbable amounts of lgbt rep lol. Queer people find each other, sometimes even before they're out to themselves. Like all of my friends from high school except one got some gender shit going on, and I've heard many similar stories from others.

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  • lightningbloom said:
    Huge same. Calling people futa/dickgirl just feels shitty and fetishy, but trans characters made by trans artists especially are really nice, and heartwarming, and also infinitely more attractive

    "futa" is for gynomorph hermaphrodites though and "dickgirl" is just... well... it's a girl with a dick. that feels validating if anything.

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  • lightningbloom said:
    Huge same. Calling people futa/dickgirl just feels shitty and fetishy, but trans characters made by trans artists especially are really nice, and heartwarming, and also infinitely more attractive

    futa/dickgirl/gynomorph exists too you know?

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  • lightningbloom said:
    Huge same. Calling people futa/dickgirl just feels shitty and fetishy, but trans characters made by trans artists especially are really nice, and heartwarming, and also infinitely more attractive

    Funkybun is this
    Read their comics
    Do it

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  • oldfashionedhurgus said:
    "futa" is for gynomorph hermaphrodites though and "dickgirl" is just... well... it's a girl with a dick. that feels validating if anything.

    It really doesn’t. Speaking from my experience as a trans woman, it just further points out the differences between me and a cis woman. It also reduces a character to nothing more than their genitalia, which i suppose is fine here but please for the love of god dont use that term irl

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