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  • Comments
  • nathmurr said:
    Why are people still posting Flash?

    Cause e621 refused me from uploading mp4s and the gif version was pretty compressed. Any who im confident someone will make a flash player program that'll replace what will be shutdown.

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  • opekun_petrov said:
    Cause e621 refused me from uploading mp4s and the gif version was pretty compressed. Any who im confident someone will make a flash player program that'll replace what will be shutdown.

    It's a video, so just upload it as a video. Simply encode from your source into accepted format: e621:supported_filetypes
    Why would we need replacement for flash when we already have a flash? Just because browser plugin support ends and updates stop, doesn't make the software magically stop exsisting. But in context of posts on the site, just really avoid flash at this point already, especially when it's literally just a video.

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  • opekun_petrov said:
    Cause e621 refused me from uploading mp4s and the gif version was pretty compressed. Any who im confident someone will make a flash player program that'll replace what will be shutdown.

    hay it still works if you download flash and put the file location then open you can start playing

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