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Roughin' Rara!

Hey folks, just a quick update on what's in the works!

Right now we're busy with bonus content and finishing touches for the last comic with Flutters. After that, it will be put on sale, like the last time — there will be a digital version with HD pages and bonus content, and a physical version will be printed and distributed if you want to buy that.

Display of Passion will also get a new round of printing for those who missed it last time!

After that, we'll probably start the next comic! The work on it has already been started, and this one might be quite a bit different from the ones we made before! No promises though!

Also while all this is going on, you'll be getting regular arts posted here of course!


Support us and get to see a high-res version of this art and a bunch of edits (Base, X-Ray):
SubscribeStar (Preferably choose that)

Also, come join our server for side-projects and non-pone arts and sketches and more!

  • Comments
  • I'm really looking forward to the upcoming comic! Display of Passion was amazingly sexy, and the Fluttershy comic was amazingly adorable! Can't wait to see what's in the works!

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