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Wyverns are top quality food for Lothar, they are one of his favorite dinner. They are very squirmy, super tasty and very healthy.
Lothar found this frisky wyvern, called Wyvy. He immediatly wanted Wyvy to become "friends" with his stomach, but it seems that Wyvy disagreed ! So Lothar had to force him to join his hungry stomach, and it wasn't a so difficult work. Lothar started to swallow him tail first, and Wyvy begged him to stop. The only way Lothar had to make the wyvern stop begging was.. sending him down his gut. And that's exactly what happened, a few loud gulps later, the wyvern was only a beautiful bulge left on the fuzzy belly.
"Mmpf !"
Wyvy tried to say something. Lothar pressed the bulge on his belly firmly with his paws, and started to play with him.
"Come on, Wyvy, let my stomach become friends with you", Lothar said teasingly.
But the wyvern was not amused. After a few minutes, Lothar's stomach started to make some loud gurgles, and started kneading at Wyvy.
"There we go, Wyvy, are you starting to accept the friendship ? Let my stomach give you the best hugs you ever had. Trust me, he's really good at it ..!"
The wyvern slowly stopped squirming, and a blissful symphony of wet gurgles started.
The digestive hugs of Lothar's strong stomach quickly melted the Wyvern away. Lothar continued to knead at his pudgy belly to help his digestive tract finishing his dinner.
Please, his stomach needs to make more "friends". Do you want to be friends~?
MemberLove to!
Aw! The screen is still there...
MemberShame it is
MemberThat's sexy owo, ngl I'd be friends with his maw or belly heheh
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