Better version of post #1355932 and post #2480981
From sources:
When Trees Burn, Pigs Die by Marsonaut - by red_dawn_2988 ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/reddawn2988/ )
"When trees burn, pigs die"
-Famous wildland firefighting proverb
Red is coming down from the line after putting in a day's work in smoke, brush and two-stroke engine exhaust. A sawyer's work is never done though, he'll be up there tomorrow working the line and helping control nature's fury.
Spectacular piece featuring Red and his mighty helmet and also a chainsaw. Done by the amazing marsonaut
Fave the original here:
Got a new commission today from Marsonaut, pretty stoked with how it turned out.
After the red dawn - by Marsonaut ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/marsonaut/ )
For reddawn2988
Had so much fun playing with the lighting and smoke. I use F.lux for my monitor to avoid burning out my retinas, but for final color checks you have to disable it to get accurate colors (in the past I've forgot that many many times, with results that can be interesting but perhaps, discordant...) Here I found a happy accident with the shadow coloring on this characters right side, which I found fit to add as a gradient to the background. Its been a while since I've seen a pleasing mix of such hues.
MemberThree years later and it's only getting worse. :(
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