[1/2] The Joy of Dogsitting
(Spinoff of this <3)
There's a certain feeling you get sometimes when you have an idea.
It's when you know the idea is bad. That you know you shouldn't do it, so much so that you fear if you even think about it too much people will know and try and stop you. A feeling that makes you see judgement in the eyes of others when they can't know what's going through your mind. It's the feeling you get when, despite all this, you really - really - want to do it.
It's the feeling Jess got when her Mom told her they were going to be dogsitting for the week. And that feeling was far, far stronger when they went to go pick him up, and the white and black-furred beast made their car rock as he stepped inside, and took up the entire back seat...
A feeling that made her dig her nails into the seat of the car all the way home, as his hot breath rolled over her shoulder and made her loins tingle...
And oh, such a delightful feeling, just a few days later, when her Mom was finally busy enough, for long enough, and he followed her into her bedroom...
But not quite busy enough, it seems~?
This was a commission for the ever-lovely Jelomaus, a frequent customer and a wonderful source of some of the most delightful ideas I've come across. Especially when they relate to Styx, their wonderfully big beast of a dog.
This is a spin-off of my most favourited picture ever and its sequel, two pictures I loved doing - and now it looks like the ditzy girl of poor planning fame is back at it again <3 Goodness me, will she ever learn?
I guess we can just hope that she won't :3
Big Dogs Big Dogs, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come in you?
[Somnophilia] Back to Nature
The First Bite
Daily Training
Styx © Jelomaus
Kitsune Wizard
Memberthatll teach ya to leave the door open
Membershi*... that description is so true :c
Member🎵I chime in with a, "Haven't you people ever heard of CLOSING A GODDAMN DOOR?!"🎵
user 477077
MemberI'll pay rent when you FIX THIS DAMN DOOR!
Dragon LoverX3
MemberThis is amazing, but what's with that bulge in the top panel?
It's just a bit weird when you zoom in on it
user 341299
MemberIf you actually feel the urge to have sex with a dog please seek professional help
MemberAs of submitting this comment, this picture is...tied..for favorites (on e621) with your most-favorited-(FA)picture-ever.
And it's only been three days! =D
Here's to breaking records!
Blocked...Or a pound
MemberWhat the fuck.
user 714206
MemberPlease search Medical Help and leave this website. You are not a furry you are a Zoo and i don’t have to write it down why this is wrong. I think you know it by yourself.
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