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A animation commission I've been working on for the past little while! A fellow volunteer at the museum swings by the cheetah's exhibit on her way out to say 'see you tomorrow' in the kind of way you only see in a place like this, and leaves her a little parting gift on her way out the door.

I'm still pretty new to having a character do any actual acting or walking around so parts of this were pretty tricky, but I hope ya like it!

Edit: Whoops! Someone pointed out an error in the previous version of this animation, so updating with a fix. There was a part where the sine wave on the console clips outside the console, somehow didn't notice until it was pointed out!

  • Comments
  • ru: *uploads an incredibly hot, incredibly detailed animation*
    some furry: hmmmm SINE WAVE

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  • orey said:
    ru: *uploads an incredibly hot, incredibly detailed animation*
    some furry: hmmmm SINE WAVE

    Hey, I appreciate it being pointed out so I could fix it! It was kind of distracting once you noticed it, and I wouldn't want it to ruin the animation for someone. So now it's all better. :D

    Hah, and also, thanks! x3

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  • My God, your animations skills are just unbelievable!
    I LOVE all the little nuances you add to them. The fingers raking through the fur, that lovely little fingertip tap to the muzzle.
    The way she squirms and twitches, tail flicking and quivering as she reaches climax.
    Now I need a cigarette!

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  • awww what a nice lil Blue jay! she just wants to be sure her friend has a wonderful night instead of a boring one, what a thoughtful lil birb.
    excellent animation as always Ruaidri!

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  • ruaidri said:
    Hey, I appreciate it being pointed out so I could fix it! It was kind of distracting once you noticed it, and I wouldn't want it to ruin the animation for someone. So now it's all better. :D

    Hah, and also, thanks! x3

    I mean, if you really want to notice inconsequential things... her tail clips through the table with the fuck machine on it too. =P

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  • nalz said:
    I mean, if you really want to notice inconsequential things... her tail clips through the table with the fuck machine on it too. =P

    I think there's a hole for that.

    I love this anim, though!

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  • First off, I would like to say. This is one of the most attractive animations I have ever seen. Second off, I have a bit of an odd question. How do you encourage yourself to make art, or practice? I have been wanting to learn for awhile and soon I'm going to have the free time to try again. I understand it takes time and practice but I can't get myself to practice. Anyhow, keep making these animations and art!

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  • californiankitsune said:
    First off, I would like to say. This is one of the most attractive animations I have ever seen. Second off, I have a bit of an odd question. How do you encourage yourself to make art, or practice? I have been wanting to learn for awhile and soon I'm going to have the free time to try again. I understand it takes time and practice but I can't get myself to practice. Anyhow, keep making these animations and art!

    Making yourself sit down and do actual concerted study is a tricky thing, I still struggle with that to this day. But making art at -all-, you start by making it a habit. When I started early on I went through a period where I made myself draw a little something every day. Doesn't have to be amazing, doesn't have to take ages, but if you can sit down and force yourself to do even 5 minutes a day, every day, it will eventually become something you don't want to miss. Once you're at the point where you don't have to -force- yourself to do it, but want to do it anyway, then you can start making yourself do most studious material. But to start, if we're talking 2D art, maybe just find a sketch you like and replicate it by eye. It will almost certainly not turn out great, and that's just fine- don't even worry about doing well early on. Sucking is the price you pay to eventually get good, so don't let it discourage you if it happens, sucking is just step 1! Keep doing that for a while until you feel confident enough to maybe give your own unique sketch a try. Maybe keep trying that for a while. Don't focus on if the sketch turns out good or bad, just take note of what you improved on since the last sketch and what you can improve on for the next one.

    There's no guarantee here, but I feel like if you're actually the type who is going to like drawing and are just having trouble getting into it, this is the process that'll finally kick start it into happening. Once you're at that point where it's something you want to do every day, then you can switch to using that time for actual study material. In terms of learning and improving as fast as possible it's probably better to start with learning proper anatomy and proportions and stuff, but in my opinion if you're having trouble even picking up a pencil at all, trying to jump right into the boring stuff is just going to discourage you. Unless you find the idea of studying anatomy really interesting, in which case by all means! The point is, do whatever interests you most, but the most important thing is to just do it, every day.

    So yeah, that's the best I can think of. Make it a habit.

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  • nalz said:
    I mean, if you really want to notice inconsequential things... her tail clips through the table with the fuck machine on it too. =P

    Almost didn't notice but yes it clips there at the end to the top of the table sec: 44-46 2 times
    and before that her tail goes left and right in the legs of the table a little too but I think that's not a big of a deal as the tail is most fluff so it could actually merge there with the legs.

    ruaidri said:
    Hey, I appreciate it being pointed out so I could fix it! It was kind of distracting once you noticed it, and I wouldn't want it to ruin the animation for someone. So now it's all better. :D

    Hah, and also, thanks! x3

    But I personally noticed another thing.
    Because the thumb of the right hand of the bird clips out of the cheetah's snout as she grabs her head about sec 12-13
    I first thought the cheetah put her tongue out but it is actually the finger of the bird ...

    Ruaidri overall a very nice work, I really like it you do outstanding animations here.
    I know it is a pain in the ass to get everything right especially on that kind of level.
    Would you consider to add some sound to this animation as well?
    Keep it up thanks <3


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  • ruaidri said:
    Making yourself sit down and do actual concerted study is a tricky thing, I still struggle with that to this day. But making art at -all-, you start by making it a habit. When I started early on I went through a period where I made myself draw a little something every day. Doesn't have to be amazing, doesn't have to take ages, but if you can sit down and force yourself to do even 5 minutes a day, every day, it will eventually become something you don't want to miss. Once you're at the point where you don't have to -force- yourself to do it, but want to do it anyway, then you can start making yourself do most studious material. But to start, if we're talking 2D art, maybe just find a sketch you like and replicate it by eye. It will almost certainly not turn out great, and that's just fine- don't even worry about doing well early on. Sucking is the price you pay to eventually get good, so don't let it discourage you if it happens, sucking is just step 1! Keep doing that for a while until you feel confident enough to maybe give your own unique sketch a try. Maybe keep trying that for a while. Don't focus on if the sketch turns out good or bad, just take note of what you improved on since the last sketch and what you can improve on for the next one.

    There's no guarantee here, but I feel like if you're actually the type who is going to like drawing and are just having trouble getting into it, this is the process that'll finally kick start it into happening. Once you're at that point where it's something you want to do every day, then you can switch to using that time for actual study material. In terms of learning and improving as fast as possible it's probably better to start with learning proper anatomy and proportions and stuff, but in my opinion if you're having trouble even picking up a pencil at all, trying to jump right into the boring stuff is just going to discourage you. Unless you find the idea of studying anatomy really interesting, in which case by all means! The point is, do whatever interests you most, but the most important thing is to just do it, every day.

    So yeah, that's the best I can think of. Make it a habit.

    well all your hard work and dedication definitely shows. :)

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  • ruaidri said:
    Making yourself sit down and do actual concerted study is a tricky thing, I still struggle with that to this day. But making art at -all-, you start by making it a habit. When I started early on I went through a period where I made myself draw a little something every day. Doesn't have to be amazing, doesn't have to take ages, but if you can sit down and force yourself to do even 5 minutes a day, every day, it will eventually become something you don't want to miss. Once you're at the point where you don't have to -force- yourself to do it, but want to do it anyway, then you can start making yourself do most studious material. But to start, if we're talking 2D art, maybe just find a sketch you like and replicate it by eye. It will almost certainly not turn out great, and that's just fine- don't even worry about doing well early on. Sucking is the price you pay to eventually get good, so don't let it discourage you if it happens, sucking is just step 1! Keep doing that for a while until you feel confident enough to maybe give your own unique sketch a try. Maybe keep trying that for a while. Don't focus on if the sketch turns out good or bad, just take note of what you improved on since the last sketch and what you can improve on for the next one.

    There's no guarantee here, but I feel like if you're actually the type who is going to like drawing and are just having trouble getting into it, this is the process that'll finally kick start it into happening. Once you're at that point where it's something you want to do every day, then you can switch to using that time for actual study material. In terms of learning and improving as fast as possible it's probably better to start with learning proper anatomy and proportions and stuff, but in my opinion if you're having trouble even picking up a pencil at all, trying to jump right into the boring stuff is just going to discourage you. Unless you find the idea of studying anatomy really interesting, in which case by all means! The point is, do whatever interests you most, but the most important thing is to just do it, every day.

    So yeah, that's the best I can think of. Make it a habit.

    Thank you very much for the advice. I have been trying to learn for over a year now but as you could probably tell, it hasn't been going so good. Good luck with your art and thank you for taking the time out of your day to help me.

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  • Ruadri, your characters are incredibly expressive, fantastic body language, even when she's tied up. Phenomenal

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  • My lord thats the perfect amount of deep :o
    at least for me

    This is fantastic, I love how the characters in these animations move

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    the orgasm is so cute
    but this NEEDS sound added please :3
    wish I could make em even 1/100 this good

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  • This cheetah character is now my favorite. Glad it got a new animation other then the cheetah x horse animation.

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  • This is amazing. I only have one very minor annoyance; the bird (not a mammal) has boobs. The cat (a mammal) does not. Other than that... this is really, really, REALLY good!

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  • sigma13 said:
    This is amazing. I only have one very minor annoyance; the bird (not a mammal) has boobs. The cat (a mammal) does not. Other than that... this is really, really, REALLY good!

    This is fine. Surely you've heard of chicken breasts, turkey breasts, and other such things? But never of cat breasts. ;)

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