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  • They're barely even an afterthought. They're generally just a hair away from having a featureless face with "YOU HERE" written on it.

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  • My question is why he needed to do that in the first place. He looked built, had a good sized member, and good at satanic rituals, what’s not to like?

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  • fox_crown said:
    why do male isekai/hentai protagonists are so bland compared to female?

    or it's just me?

    People don't want some dude's face in their peripherals while they're trying to shoot some knuckle children.

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  • dragonfang25 said:
    My question is why he needed to do that in the first place. He looked built, had a good sized member, and good at satanic rituals, what’s not to like?

    Turns out even if you have the looks it won't make up for you putting zero effort into your existence which is the hikikomori life in a nutshell and the primary demographic of isekai/self-insert focused anime/manga/media.
    This genre follows a formula:
    Very generic but not overtly ugly dude. Don't want any character defining traits that may alienate the target audience. (Similar issue in idol culture where idols are not allowed to have romantic partners, it removes the "I could be her boyfriend" aspect from the fan base which is the core draw.)

    Has a hobby interest that isn't a useful skill that encapsulates a large portion of his life and free time that somehow proves valuable beyond a hobby interest in this New World/special scenario. A desire to justify your specific interest and not diversify your skills or improve.

    Some girl(s) inexplicably is romantically interested in said milquetoast character despite minimal interaction or development also requiring zero effort or input from said protagonist.

    Cliche harem shenanigans.

    Tsundere characters which are supposed to be considered cute despite exhibiting severe emotional retardation. These behaviors are rarely seen beyond primary school in normal children. A desire that the girls avoiding you may be secretly into you

    Yandere characters because the self-insertee wants someone to be murderously obsessed over them, an extension of the desire to not have to provide any effort or value in a relationship while receiving a disproportionate amount.

    The entire genre is targeted at guys who have just checked out and see no point in putting effort into themselves and use this as one avenue of escapism.

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  • I should add that I don't believe this encapsulates everyone who enjoys the genre (there are a select few I enjoy myself) but just that it is targeted towards a specific audience that will buy $4000 worth of related merch of their waifu using their neetbux and the other people are incedental to that end. Like free-to-play players vs whales in mobile games.


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  • fox_crown said:
    it heavily sickens me, am i the only one?

    I wouldn't say it sickens me but it definitely is preferable if they are both people with personalities and not one of them being a mannequin with a dick attached.

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  • kharnzebetrayer said:
    I wouldn't say it sickens me but it definitely is preferable if they are both people with personalities and not one of them being a mannequin with a dick attached.

    I get that (Kind of), but that one guy above is right. I'm not trying to look at a dude's face while trying to bust a nut. That's just me, though. Primarily female-focused porn is the good shit.

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  • dragonfang25 said:
    My question is why he needed to do that in the first place. He looked built, had a good sized member, and good at satanic rituals, what’s not to like?

    can't cook

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  • fragburner said:
    Do the muscles, big dick, normal height, and proper form also help with self insertion?

    If you are already able to insert banging an imaginary entity it probably helps your ego to imagine yourself as some Chad as well. Don't know many people who want to insert as the fat bald ugly guy in hentai but different strokes you know.

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  • kharnzebetrayer said:
    If you are already able to insert banging an imaginary entity it probably helps your ego to imagine yourself as some Chad as well. Don't know many people who want to insert as the fat bald ugly guy in hentai but different strokes you know.

    Meh. I've never been able to lie to myself like that. Then again, I've never inserted myself into porn, so maybe my ego and sense of self-worth are just too low for that crap.

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  • dragonfang25 said:
    My question is why he needed to do that in the first place. He looked built, had a good sized member, and good at satanic rituals, what’s not to like?

    Because it's fiction

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  • fox_crown said:
    it heavily sickens me, am i the only one?

    well... i suppose these downvotes counts as a no, i can understand this for an hentai, but i was thinking more about the isekai genre, i do really have problems with those as male protagonists do feel just as bland too :/


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  • kharnzebetrayer said:
    I should add that I don't believe this encapsulates everyone who enjoys the genre (there are a select few I enjoy myself) but just that it is targeted towards a specific audience that will buy $4000 worth of related merch of their waifu using their neetbux and the other people are incedental to that end. Like free-to-play players vs whales in mobile games.

    Apparently spending money on and having affection for pretend women constitutes being a loser nowadays. Real relationships can't be delusional and unhealthy whatsoever, right?

    Your comments seem to be pretty judgemental towards a specific group of people that you are stereotyping pretty hard. Being a homebody that has a fantasy that you don't like does not constitute someone who wants a one sided relationship with no effort, as fantasy and reality are totally different things (though, as long as it's consensual, who cares) nor is someone with non mainstream hobbies someone who needs or is unwilling to "diversify or improve"

    Also, being an introverted homebody does not constitute "putting zero effort into your existence" believe it or not. An introvert cannot magically become extroverted as it's a permanent state, not a "wierd querk". Being social also doesn't constitute putting effort in one's existence, for the same reason. Being able to talk to a person isn't a requirement to not being a loser, believe it or not. Nor does it make you immune to being a loser either. All you have to do is not fit in with the herd and their sence of morality and sensibilities to be seen as a loser, regardless if you can hold a conversation or not.

    Also, socializing properly requires going outside, which is difficult right now because of a particularly rampant worldwide virus, if you haven't noticed.


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  • I'm not stereotyping introverts or people who enjoy the genre. I was specific in talking about the hikikomori which the genre specifically caters to and why it has the tropes it does. These are not just introverted people with odd hobbies. There are a lot of homebodies with odd hobbies, my wife is one of them.
    Hikikomori on the other hand are people who have completely checked out of life save for escapist interests almost exclusively. It is not synonymous with otaku or nerds in general but people who actively choose stagnation. They are the "basement dwellers" who never move out of their parents' homes, not due to hard economic times or other circumstances, but because they don't want to take on any responsibility of any kind. They mooch off their families or take government handouts because they refuse to provide for themselves not because they are unable to.
    Some are this way out of dispair believing they will never amount to anything so why even try.
    Others are simply selfish or lazy to an extreme degree.
    You can spend your hard earned money on your interests all you want. When you are dropping thousands of dollars of money given to you to help you out of your circumstance you have a problem. It's not very different from people who suffer from addiction.

    I was simply explaining why the isekai genre has so many rehashed tropes and why those tropes are there. It was not meant to disparage anyone who likes the genre or even the genre specifically but to explain source of the most criticized aspects common to the genre (wooden protagonists, shallow pandering female characters, etc.) and why those aspects are so pervasive despite not having anything tied to the basic concept of the genre. It is absolutely possible for isekai to avoid these bad storytelling elements but they are extremely common for the reasons I have previously listed.

    Anyway this has gone way out of field for this site and I'll leave it here.

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  • Please Hit reply so I can actually be notified of your comments.

    kharnzebetrayer said:
    I'm not stereotyping introverts or people who enjoy the genre. I was specific in talking about the hikikomori

    The "hikikomori" as you so put it was the group I was defending, although I just see them as introverted homebodies, unlike you.

    kharnzebetrayer said:
    Hikikomori on the other hand are people who have completely checked out of life save for escapist interests almost exclusively. It is not synonymous with otaku or nerds in general but people who actively choose stagnation.

    Again, they are not stagnating just because they are into hobbies that are not mainstream and don't require socialization, and more importantly, fetishes you don't like. There is absolutely nothing wrong with an escapism lifestyle whatsoever. In fact, that it the reason why some people make and enjoy art in the first place. To escape, almost exclusively.

    kharnzebetrayer said:
    They are the "basement dwellers" who never move out of their parents' homes, not due to hard economic times or other circumstances, but because they don't want to take on any responsibility of any kind. They mooch off their families or take government handouts because they refuse to provide for themselves not because they are unable to.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. You are clearly showing a very judgemental bigoted view of a certain group of people. Not everyone wants to spend their life wasting it in a cubicle, warehouse, or factory, and as long as their loved ones don't mind providing for them, again, WHO CARES? (its rhetorical, you shouldn't care.)

    kharnzebetrayer said:
    Some are this way out of dispair believing they will never amount to anything so why even try.

    They haven't given up. They have given up on you. They have decided that their time, energy and money is better spend on themselves rather than wasting it on trying to hang out and fit in with people who don't want them anyways.

    kharnzebetrayer said:
    Others are simply selfish or lazy to an extreme degree.
    You can spend your hard earned money on your interests all you want. When you are dropping thousands of dollars of money given to you to help you out of your circumstance you have a problem. It's not very different from people who suffer from addiction.

    These people are definitely more than worthy of being treated like they are decent human beings worthy of respect and they are not "selfish or lazy to an extreme degree" just because they don't live your approved lifestyle and are not the breadwinners of their household. This is just bigotry at this point, and I have no respect for that.

    kharnzebetrayer said:

    I was simply explaining why the isekai genre has so many rehashed tropes and why those tropes are there. It was not meant to disparage anyone who likes the genre or even the genre specifically but to explain source of the most criticized aspects common to the genre (wooden protagonists, shallow pandering female characters, etc.) and why those aspects are so pervasive despite not having anything tied to the basic concept of the genre. It is absolutely possible for isekai to avoid these bad storytelling elements but they are extremely common for the reasons I have previously listed.

    Anyway this has gone way out of field for this site and I'll leave it here.

    You can explain those "tropes" without showing your extremely thinly veiled hate boner for "hikikomori" "basement dwellers" if you were truly interested in just explaining tropes instead of expressing vehemently your particular dislike for a certain group of people's lifestyle, and dare I say it, your hatred towards that group of people itself.


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  • I don't want to continue this but I don't hate these people. I've already explained why hikikomori are not just homebodies.
    Yes, there is something wrong with taking money from the government designed to help people on hard times simply because you don't want to work.
    At no point did I say you have to work in a cubical or factory. There are hundreds of jobs that are neither of those. Providing for yourself if able is the minimum effort you should put into your life.
    Most of these families that provide for these individuals in Japan are culturally obligated to continue providing for family regardless of circumstance. It is a major social concern in Japan right now with what they call "herbivore" men just being leeches and producing nothing.

    I will close this part with this: I don't care what you are into, it doesn't matter to me. I don't judge people for their interests only their actions.
    But there is moral and ethical issues with refusing to pull your weight and expecting others to provide for you just because you don't want to put in the effort. If that makes me a bigot so be it.

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  • kharnzebetrayer said:
    Turns out even if you have the looks it won't make up for you putting zero effort into your existence which is the hikikomori life in a nutshell and the primary demographic of isekai/self-insert focused anime/manga/media.
    This genre follows a formula:
    Very generic but not overtly ugly dude. Don't want any character defining traits that may alienate the target audience. (Similar issue in idol culture where idols are not allowed to have romantic partners, it removes the "I could be her boyfriend" aspect from the fan base which is the core draw.)

    Has a hobby interest that isn't a useful skill that encapsulates a large portion of his life and free time that somehow proves valuable beyond a hobby interest in this New World/special scenario. A desire to justify your specific interest and not diversify your skills or improve.

    Some girl(s) inexplicably is romantically interested in said milquetoast character despite minimal interaction or development also requiring zero effort or input from said protagonist.

    Cliche harem shenanigans.

    Tsundere characters which are supposed to be considered cute despite exhibiting severe emotional retardation. These behaviors are rarely seen beyond primary school in normal children. A desire that the girls avoiding you may be secretly into you

    Yandere characters because the self-insertee wants someone to be murderously obsessed over them, an extension of the desire to not have to provide any effort or value in a relationship while receiving a disproportionate amount.

    The entire genre is targeted at guys who have just checked out and see no point in putting effort into themselves and use this as one avenue of escapism.

    Semi-related. But I'd recommend an anime called "Welcome to NHK". It goes through the whole hikikomori and NEET lifestyle. Porn addiction, multi-level marketing schemes, suicide, depression, isolation. It's very "real" in terms of an anime and makes understand the mindset of such people.

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  • kharnzebetrayer said:
    I don't want to continue this but I don't hate these people.

    As I already brought up, If you were truly interested in anything more than expressing your dislike and hatred of a group of people you don't like, we wouldn't be talking about "ethics" "jobs" or the "government" whatsoever. hatred, by the way, is defined as ill will. Calling people unethical, leeches, lazy, basement dwellers, "mooch off their families", "take government handouts", "have completely checked out of life", "people who actively choose stagnation", "putting zero effort into", "will buy $4000 worth of related merch of their waifu using their neetbux", "the desire to not have to provide any effort or value", "guys who have just checked out" I am pretty sure that constitutes as very serious Ill will and ill sentiment. Otherwise known as, Hatred.

    kharnzebetrayer said:
    I've already explained why hikikomori are not just homebodies.
    Yes, there is something wrong with taking money from the government designed to help people on hard times simply because you don't want to work.

    I am going to ignore this point completely. Mostly because there is so much I want to say about this, but I don't want to get hit with a record for starting a political discussion.

    kharnzebetrayer said:
    At no point did I say you have to work in a cubical or factory. There are hundreds of jobs that are neither of those.

    There are hundreds of jobs that you cannot shoehorn people into conforming to do. We are not robots you can just plug instructions into and all of a sudden everything is dandy and fine.

    Jobs people are qualified and want to give up most of their life to do are not actually plentiful, some people just get lucky with that aspect, and some people don't value their time until its to late.

    kharnzebetrayer said:
    Providing for yourself if able is the minimum effort you should put into your life.

    Horseshite. I owe society absolutely jack shit. I refuse to be a work shift slave nor go into six figure debt to be a 9 to 5 slave. I value my life far too much for that. Though providing for yourself isn't bad, not everyone can do that, that is not your sentiment here. Your sentiment is basically "Get a job, loser". Please prove me wrong. Please tell me your not one of those people.

    kharnzebetrayer said:
    Most of these families that provide for these individuals in Japan are culturally obligated to continue providing for family regardless of circumstance.

    I don't blame them. I would say, in my opinion, it is pretty fucked up to throw your loved ones out on the street to starve with no help.

    kharnzebetrayer said:
    It is a major social concern in Japan right now with what they call "herbivore" men just being leeches and producing nothing.

    Hello, You are talking to a leech. Have a nice day.

    kharnzebetrayer said:
    I will close this part with this: I don't care what you are into, it doesn't matter to me. I don't judge people for their interests only their actions.
    But there is moral and ethical issues with refusing to pull your weight and expecting others to provide for you just because you don't want to put in the effort. If that makes me a bigot so be it.

    You have very well judged people based on their interests, by lamenting that it's unhealthy to be interested in escapism full time and being interested in and spending money on certain fetishes (what you called "tropes")

    Thanks, by the way, for being honest and admitting your bigotry. I just wished you and other people at least tried to not be bigoted toward my entire existence.


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  • Christ on a cracker...

    Criticism is not hatred.
    You don't owe society anything and it owes you nothing in return. If you don't want to be part of "society" fine. Don't expect support from it either.

    And yes, get a job loser.

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  • DragonFang25 said:
    My question is why he needed to do that in the first place. He looked built, had a good sized member, and good at satanic rituals, what’s not to like?

    "a good sized memebr" lol

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  • kharnzebetrayer said:
    Christ on a cracker...

    Criticism is not hatred.
    You don't owe society anything and it owes you nothing in return. If you don't want to be part of "society" fine. Don't expect support from it either.

    And yes, get a job loser.

    Bro, this guy just doesn't get it. Lmao. They actually think it's ok to not contribute anything to society and not accept life like a normal person? This guy is unbelievable.

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