leto created by grimart

Alrighty. Let us get this party started. This is your only warning: this comic is dark and only gets darker.
Summary: Did you know that an 11 year old can become addicted to porn?
This is a story about porn addiction and grooming children in the furry fandom. It has no actual porn. It will be updated every day. Half of these pages will make me wish for death. I will enjoy the chaos this comic spawns. Cheers.
My stories do not represent my actual opinion.

~10 high res pages early release on http://patreon.com/grimart

  • Comments
  • Half of these pages will make me wish for death.

    Uhhhhhh....you may not want to do stuff that escalates depression to the extremes...

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  • Man, you really live up to your name, huh? This sounds... well, not sure what to think. Important, likely heart-wrenching, and very, very sad. Probably too sad for me, if the summary is accurate, and certainly too close to some personal experiences for comfortable reading on my part.

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  • So are we talking gut-wrenchingly sad as in the ending to "Tell Me More", or are we about to move into even darker territory?

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  • as someone who got into the fandom at a way too early age through forums and whatnot i'm definitely interested in seeing how this plays out. hopefully its not too melodramatic but no matter what i'm curious to see what conversation develops around this comic.

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  • I'm glad that the artist is making this comic; too many young people assume that the furry fandom is all about sex and yiff, but if we're not willing to tell them otherwise then we only further cripple our own morals. Being a furry shouldn't be exclusively for adults, we have kids to worry about too.

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  • willy_epic said:
    I'm glad that the artist is making this comic; too many young people assume that the furry fandom is all about sex and yiff, but if we're not willing to tell them otherwise then we only further cripple our own morals. Being a furry shouldn't be exclusively for adults, we have kids to worry about too.

    I mean we do have a issue with grooming and the fandom is undeniably overly horny. Fr how many people got into this because characters like Crystal from starfox "tickled their fancy"

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  • It's nice to see someone bringing this issue up, its especially prevalent in the furry and anime community.

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  • thank God someone is bringing this up, grooming and pedophilic issues are to present in our community so its really good someone's talking about it finally

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  • happy_man909 said:
    I mean we do have a issue with grooming and the fandom is undeniably overly horny. Fr how many people got into this because characters like Crystal from starfox "tickled their fancy"

    I think part of the problem may rely in the "fursonification", some people use it to escape their real "human" selves and it's a free pass to give in to their impulses.

    I can't remember exactly when I got into furry, but I were probably around 14-15 yrs. The first contact was trough forums then some research. Not gonna lie, it "tickled my fancy" but the art also cautivated me, aesthetically. One of the things that left a big impression was the anime "Bagi, the monster of mighty nature". I loved the interaction between human and anthros, two different worlds, rather than an "furries only" perspective. Related to that, the comic "Twokinds" is another gem that I follow to this day.

    Wrapping up, escapism isn't good, and the furry fandom is just an excuse for these people. As I said, one thing is to like something, and another is want to become it.

    P.S. I also recommend the webcomics "My Life With Fel" and "The Hunters of Salamanstra" (this one is more of an adventure comic and the few anthros there are just another character).

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